EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. BMPM Components -- Right-Front View.Table 1. BMPM Components -- Right-Front View.Figure 2. BMPM Components -- Right-Rear View.Table 2. BMPM Components -- Right-Rear View.Figure 3. BMPM Components -- Left-Rear View.Table 3. BMPM Components -- Left-Rear View.Figure 4. BMPM Components -- Left-Front View.Table 4. BMPM Components -- Left-Front View.Figure 5. BMPM Components -- Engine Compartment View.Table 5. BMPM Components -- Engine Compartment View.Table 6. Equipment Data.Table 6. Equipment Data -- Continued.THEORY OF OPERATIONFigure 1. BMPM Screed -- Left Side (Extended).Figure 2. Sonic Auger Sensors.Figure 3. Hopper Assembly.Hydraulic SystemsFigure 4. Auger With Cutoff Opened.Figure 5. Hydraulic Truck Hitch.Figure 6. Self-Tensioning Drive Track.Figure 7. Hydrostatic Drive Torque Hub.Figure 8. Bolt-On Screed Extension.Paving PreparationPaving Operations -- Continued.CHAPTER 2 FIELD TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES FOR BITUMINOUS MATERIAL PAVING MACHINE (BMPM)TROUBLESHOOTING INDEXENGINE SENSOR WIRE SHARING AND ERRORS CROSS REFERENCETable 1. Engine Sensor Shared Wiring.Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference -- Continued.Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference -- Continued.Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference -- Continued.Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference -- Continued.Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference -- Continued.Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference -- Continued.Table 2. Engine Sensor Fault Cross Reference -- Continued.FUEL RAIL PRESSURE HIGHER THAN COMMANDED PRESSUREINITIAL SETUP:FUEL RAIL PRESSURE LOWER THAN COMMANDEDINITIAL SETUP:FUEL RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL NOT CHANGINGINITIAL SETUP:Table 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedSPN#97, FMI#4 ? LOW VOLTAGE AT WATER-IN-FUEL CIRCUITINITIAL SETUP:Table 1. SPN#97, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Water-in-Fuel Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#97, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Water-in-Fuel Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#97, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Water-in-Fuel Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#97, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Water-in-Fuel Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#97, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Water-in-Fuel Circuit -- ContinuedSPN#97, FMI#15 ? WATER DETECTED IN FUEL FILTERTable 1. SPN#97, FMI#15 ? Water Detected in Fuel Filter -- ContinuedSPN#100, FMI#1 ? LOW OIL PRESSURETable 1. SPN#100, FMI#1 ? Low Oil Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#100, FMI#1 ? Low Oil Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#100, FMI#1 ? Low Oil Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#100, FMI#1 ? Low Oil Pressure -- ContinuedSPN#100, FMI#2 ? OIL PRESSURE SWITCH SENSOR CIRCUIT ERRORTable 1. SPN#100, FMI#2 ? Oil Pressure Switch Sensor Circuit Error -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#100, FMI#2 ? Oil Pressure Switch Sensor Circuit Error -- ContinuedSPN#102, FMI#2 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE SENSOR CIRCUIT DATA INCORRECTTable 1. SPN#102, FMI#2 ? Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit Data Incorrect -- ContinuedSPN#102, FMI#3 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE HIGH SIGNAL VOLTAGETable 1. SPN#102, FMI#3 -- Intake Manifold Pressure High Signal Voltage -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#102, FMI#3 -- Intake Manifold Pressure High Signal Voltage -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#102, FMI#3 -- Intake Manifold Pressure High Signal Voltage -- ContinuedSPN# 102, FMI# 4 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD PRESSURE LOW SIGNAL VOLTAGETable 1. SPN# 102, FMI# 4 ? Intake Manifold Pressure Low Signal Voltage -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN# 102, FMI# 4 ? Intake Manifold Pressure Low Signal Voltage -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN# 102, FMI# 4 ? Intake Manifold Pressure Low Signal Voltage -- ContinuedSPN#105, FMI#0 ? HIGH INTAKE MANIFOLD TEMPERATURESPN#105, FMI#2 ? INTAKE MANIFILD TEMPERATURE ERRATIC, INTERMITTENT, OR INCORRECTTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#2 ? Intake Manifold Temperature Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#2 ? Intake Manifold Temperature Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#2 ? Intake Manifold Temperature Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect -- ContinuedSPN#105, FMI#3 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR VOLTAGE ABOVE NORMALTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#3 ? Intake Manifold Air Temperature SensorVoltage Above Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#3 ? Intake Manifold Air Temperature SensorVoltage Above Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#3 ? Intake Manifold Air Temperature SensorVoltage Above Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#3 ? Intake Manifold Air Temperature SensorVoltage Above Normal -- ContinuedSPN# 105, FMI #4 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR VOLTAGE BELOW NORMALTable 1. SPN# 105, FMI#4 -- Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Voltage Below Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN# 105, FMI#4 -- Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Voltage Below Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN# 105, FMI#4 -- Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Voltage Below Normal -- ContinuedSPN#105, FMI#10 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD SENSOR NOT RESPONDING TO ENGINE OPERATING CHANGESTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#10 ? Intake Manifold SensorNot Responding To Engine Operating Changes -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#10 ? Intake Manifold SensorNot Responding To Engine Operating Changes -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#10 ? Intake Manifold SensorNot Responding To Engine Operating Changes -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#10 ? Intake Manifold SensorNot Responding To Engine Operating Changes -- ContinuedSPN#105, FMI#15 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATUREABOVE ENGINE PROTECTION WARNING LIMITSPN#105, FMI#16 ? INTAKE MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE ABOVE WARNING LIMITTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#16 ? Intake Manifold Air Temperature Above Warning Limit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#16 ? Intake Manifold Air Temperature Above Warning Limit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#105, FMI#16 ? Intake Manifold Air Temperature Above Warning Limit -- ContinuedSPN#108, FMI#2 -- ERRATIC BAROMETRIC PRESSURE AT ENGINE STARTTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#2 -- Erratic Barometric Pressure at Engine Start -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#2 -- Erratic Barometric Pressure at Engine Start -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#2 -- Erratic Barometric Pressure at Engine Start -- ContinuedSPN#108, FMI#3 -- HIGH SIGNAL VOLTAGE AT BAROMETRIC PRESSURE CIRCUITTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#3 -- High Signal Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#3 -- High Signal Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#3 -- High Signal Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedSPN#108, FMI#4 ? LOW VOLTAGE AT BAROMETRIC PRESSURE CIRCUITTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#108, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Barometric Pressure Circuit -- ContinuedSPN#110, FMI#0 ? COOLANT TEMPERATURE ABOVE NORMALSPN#110, FMI#0 ? ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE ABOVE PROTECTION WARNING LIMITSPN#110, FMI#2 ? COOLANT TEMPERATURE DATA ERRATIC, INTERMITTENT, OR INCORRECTTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#2 ? Coolant Temperature Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#2 ? Coolant Temperature Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#2 ? Coolant Temperature Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect -- ContinuedSPN#110, FMI#3 ? ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR VOLTAGE ABOVE NORMALTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#3 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Voltage Above Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#3 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Voltage Above Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#3 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Voltage Above Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#3 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Voltage Above Normal -- ContinuedSPN#110, FMI#4 ? ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR VOLTAGE BELOW NORMALTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#4 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Voltage Below Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#4 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Voltage Below Normal -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#4 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Voltage Below Normal -- ContinuedSPN#110, FMI#15 ? COOLANT TEMPERATURE ABOVE ENGINE PROTECTION WARNING LIMITSPN#110, FMI#16 ? ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE ABOVE ENGINE PROTECTION WARNING LIMITTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#16 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Above Engine Protection Warning LimitTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#16 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Above Engine Protection Warning Limit - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#16 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Above Engine Protection Warning Limit - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#16 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Above Engine Protection Warning Limit - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#16 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Above Engine Protection Warning Limit - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#110, FMI#16 ? Engine Coolant Temperature Above Engine Protection Warning Limit - ContinuedTable 2. Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Resistance Reference.SPN#157, FMI#0 ? FUEL RAIL PRESSURE HIGHER THAN COMMANDED PRESSURETable 1. SPN#157, FMI#0 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Higher Than Commanded PressureTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#0 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Higher Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#0 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Higher Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedSPN#177, FMI#0 ? SENSED RAIL FUEL PRESSURE EXCEEDS RAIL RELIEF VALVE OPENING PRESSURETable 1. SPN#177, FMI#0 ? Sensed Rail Fuel Pressure Exceeds Rail Relief Valve Opening PressureTable 1. SPN#177, FMI#0 ? Sensed Rail Fuel Pressure Exceeds Rail Relief Valve Opening Pressure - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#177, FMI#0 ? Sensed Rail Fuel Pressure Exceeds Rail Relief Valve Opening Pressure - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#177, FMI#0 ? Sensed Rail Fuel Pressure Exceeds Rail Relief Valve Opening Pressure - ContinuedSPN#157, FMI#1 ? FUEL PRESSURE LOWER THAN COMMANDED PRESSURE -- SEVERESPN#157, FMI#2 ? FUEL RAIL PRESSURE SIGNAL NOT CHANGINGTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#2 ? Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- ContinuedSPN#157, FMI#3 ? HIGH SIGNAL VOLTAGE AT RAIL FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR CIRCUITTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#3 ? High Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#3 ? High Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#3 ? High Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#3 ? High Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#3 ? High Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#3 ? High Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedSPN#157, FMI#4 ? LOW SIGNAL VOLTAGE AT RAIL FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR CIRCUITTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#4 ? Low Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#4 ? Low Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#4 ? Low Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#4 ? Low Signal Voltage at Rail Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit -- ContinuedSPN#157, FMI#16 ? FUEL PRESSURE HIGHER THAN COMMANDED PRESSURETable 1. SPN#157, FMI#16 ? Fuel Pressure Higher Than Commanded PressureTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#16 ? Fuel Pressure Higher Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#16 ? Fuel Pressure Higher Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedSPN#157, FMI#18 ? FUEL PRESSURE LOWER THAN COMMANDED PRESSURETable 1. SPN#157, FMI#18 ? Fuel Pressure Lower Than Commanded PressureTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#18 ? Fuel Pressure Lower Than Commanded Pressure - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#18 ? Fuel Pressure Lower Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#18 ? Fuel Pressure Lower Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#18 ? Fuel Pressure Lower Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#18 ? Fuel Pressure Lower Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#157, FMI#18 ? Fuel Pressure Lower Than Commanded Pressure -- ContinuedSPN#166, FMI#2 ? CYLINDER POWER IMBALANCE BETWEEN CYLINDERS -- DATA ERRATIC,INTERMITTENT, OR INCORRECTTable 1. SPN#166, FMI#2 ? Cylinder Power Imbalance Between Cylinders --Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect -- ContinuedSPN#167, FMI#1 ? ELECTRICAL CHARGING SYSTEM VOLTAGE LOW ? MOST SEVERE LEVELTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#1 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low ? Most Severe LevelTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#1 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low ? Most Severe Level - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#1 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low ? Most Severe Level - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#1 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low ? Most Severe Level - ContinuedSPN#167, FMI#16 ? ELECTRICAL CHARGING SYSTEM VOLTAGE HIGH ? MODERATE SEVERE LEVELTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#16 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage High Moderately Severe Level.Table 1. SPN#167, FMI#16 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage High --Moderately Severe Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#16 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage High --Moderately Severe Level -- ContinuedSPN#167, FMI#18 ? ELECTRICAL CHARGING SYSTEM VOLTAGE LOW ? MODERATELY SEVERE LEVELTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#18 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low --Moderately Severe LevelTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#18 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low --Moderately Severe Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#18 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low --Moderately Severe Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#167, FMI#18 ? Electrical Charging System Voltage Low --Moderately Severe Level -- ContinuedSPN#168, FMI#16 ? ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) SUPPLY VOLTAGE ABOVEMAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE LEVELTable 1. SPN#168. FMI#16 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Above Maximum System VoltageLevelTable 1. SPN#168. FMI#16 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Above Maximum System Voltage Level --ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168. FMI#16 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Above Maximum System Voltage Level --ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168. FMI#16 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Above Maximum System Voltage Level --ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168. FMI#16 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Above Maximum System Voltage Level --ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168. FMI#16 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Above Maximum System Voltage Level --ContinuedSPN#168, FMI#18 ? ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) SUPPLY VOLTAGE LEVEL BELOWMINIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE LEVELTable 1. SPN#168, FMI#18 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Level BelowMinimum System Voltage LevelTable 1. SPN#168, FMI#18 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Level BelowMinimum System Voltage Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168, FMI#18 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Level BelowMinimum System Voltage Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168, FMI#18 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Level BelowMinimum System Voltage Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168, FMI#18 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Level BelowMinimum System Voltage Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168, FMI#18 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Level BelowMinimum System Voltage Level -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#168, FMI#18 ? Engine ECM Supply Voltage Level BelowMinimum System Voltage Level -- ContinuedSPN#190, FMI#0 ? ENGINE SPEED ABOVE ENGINE PROTECTION LIMITTable 1. SPN#190, FMI#0 ? Engine Speed Above Engine Protection Limit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#190, FMI#0 ? Engine Speed Above Engine Protection Limit -- ContinuedSPN#190, FMI#2 ? CRANKSHAFT SPEED/POSITION SENSOR SIGNAL LOST OR DEGRADEDTable 1. SPN#190, FMI#2 ? Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor Signal Lost or Degraded -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#190, FMI#2 ? Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor Signal Lost or Degraded -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#190, FMI#2 ? Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor Signal Lost or Degraded -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#190, FMI#2 ? Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor Signal Lost or Degraded -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#190, FMI#2 ? Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor Signal Lost or Degraded -- ContinuedSPN#611, FMI#31 ? ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) DATA LOSTTable 1. SPN#611, FMI#31 ? ECM Data LostTable 1. SPN#611, FMI#31 ? ECM Data Lost -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#611, FMI#31 ? ECM Data Lost -- ContinuedSPN#612, FMI#2 ? SIGNALS REVERSED ON ENGINE SPEED AND CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSORSTable 1. SPN#612, FMI#2 ? Signals Reversed On Engine Speedand Camshaft Position Sensors -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#612, FMI#2 ? Signals Reversed On Engine Speedand Camshaft Position Sensors -- ContinuedSPN#627, FMI#2 ? POWER SUPPLY LOST WITH IGNITION ONTable 1. SPN#627, FMI#2 ? Power Supply Lost with Ignition On -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#627, FMI#2 ? Power Supply Lost with Ignition On -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#627, FMI#2 ? Power Supply Lost with Ignition On -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#627, FMI#2 ? Power Supply Lost with Ignition On -- ContinuedSPN#627, FMI#12 ? INJECTOR POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE LOWTable 1. SPN#627, FMI#12 ? Injector Power Supply Voltage Low -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#627, FMI#12 ? Injector Power Supply Voltage Low -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#627, FMI#12 ? Injector Power Supply Voltage Low -- ContinuedSPN# 629, FMI# 12 ? ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) MEMORY HARDWAREOR INTERNAL VOLTAGE SUPPLY CIRCUITS FAILURETable 1. SPN# 629, FMI# 12 ? Engine ECM Memory Hardwareor Internal Voltage Supply Circuits Failure -- ContinuedSPN#629, FMI#12 ? ENGINE ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM) WARNING INTERNAL HARDWAREFAILURETable 1. SPN#629, FMI#12 ? Engine ECM Warning Internal Hardware Failure -- ContinuedSPN#630, FMI#2 ? SEVERE LOSS OF DATA FROM ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULE (ECM)Table 1. SPN#630, FMI#2 ? Severe Loss of Data From ECM -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#630, FMI#2 ? Severe Loss of Data From ECM -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#630, FMI#2 ? Severe Loss of Data From ECM -- ContinuedSPN#630, FMI#31 ? CALIBRATION PROGRAM MEMORY (RAM) CORRUPTIONTable 1. SPN#630, FMI#31 ? Calibration Program Memory (RAM) Corruption -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#630, FMI#31 ? Calibration Program Memory (RAM) Corruption -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#630, FMI#31 ? Calibration Program Memory (RAM) Corruption -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#630, FMI#31 ? Calibration Program Memory (RAM) Corruption -- ContinuedSPN#645, FMI#5 ? HIGH RESISTANCE OR NO CURRENT AT NUMBER FOUR INJECTOR DRIVER OR RETURN PINTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN PinTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#645, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Four Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedSPN#651, FMI#5 ? HIGH RESISTANCE OR NO CURRENT AT NUMBER ONE INJECTOR DRIVER OR RETURN PINTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN PinTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedSPN#651, FMI#7 - INJECTOR SOLENOID DRIVER CYLINDER 1 -- MECHANICAL SYSTEM NOT RESPONDING OR OUT OF ADJUSTMENTTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#7 ? Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 1 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#7 ? Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 1 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#651, FMI#7 ? Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 1 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedSPN#652, FMI#5 - HIGH RESISTANCE OR NO CURRENT AT NUMBER TWO INJECTOR DRIVER OR RETURN PINTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN PinTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#652, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Two Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedINJECTOR SOLENOID DRIVER CYLINDER 2 -- MECHANICAL SYSTEM NOT RESPONDING OR OUT OF ADJUSTMENTInjector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 2 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedInjector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 2 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedInjector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 2 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedHIGH RESISTANCE OR NO CURRENT AT NUMBER THREE INJECTOR DRIVER OR RETURN PINTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN PinTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#653, FMI#5 ? High Resistance or No Current at Number Three Injector DRIVER or RETURN Pin - ContinuedINJECTOR SOLENOID DRIVER CYLINDER 4 -- MECHANICAL SYSTEM NOT RESPONDING OR OUT OF ADJUSTMENTTable 1. SPN#654, FMI#7 ? Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 4 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#654, FMI#7 ? Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 4 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#654, FMI#7 ? Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 4 -- Mechanical System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjustment -- ContinuedCAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR SIGNAL ERRORTable 1. SPN#723, FMI#2 ? Camshaft Position Sensor Signal ErrorTable 1. SPN#723, FMI#2 ? Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Error - ContinuedTable 1. SPN#723, FMI#2 ? Camshaft Position Sensor Signal Error - ContinuedENGINE SPEED SENSORS MISALIGNMENTTable 1. SPN#723, FMI#7 ? Engine Speed Sensors Misalignment -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#723, FMI#7 ? Engine Speed Sensors Misalignment -- ContinuedSPN#729, FMI#3 ? HIGH VOLTAGE AT INTAKE AIR HEATER SIGNAL CIRCUITTable 1. SPN#729, FMI#3 ? High Voltage at Intake Air Heater Signal Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#729, FMI#3 ? High Voltage at Intake Air Heater Signal Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#729, FMI#3 ? High Voltage at Intake Air Heater Signal Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#729, FMI#3 ? High Voltage at Intake Air Heater Signal Circuit -- ContinuedLOW VOLTAGE AT INTAKE AIR HEATER SIGNAL CIRCUITTable 1. SPN#729, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Intake Air Heater Signal Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#729, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Intake Air Heater Signal Circuit -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#729, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage at Intake Air Heater Signal Circuit -- ContinuedLOW VOLTAGE ON CRANKSHAFT SPEED/POSITION SENSOR SUPPLY LINETable 1. SPN# 1043, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage on Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor Supply Line - ContinuedTable 1. SPN# 1043, FMI#4 ? Low Voltage on Crankshaft Speed/Position Sensor Supply Line - ContinuedHIGH VOLTAGE AT SENSOR SUPPLY CIRCUIT NUMBER 2Table 1. SPN#1080, FMI#3 ? High Voltage at Sensor Supply Circuit Number 2 -- ContinuedENGINE MISFIRE FOR MULTIPLE CYLINDERS -- CONDITION EXISTSTable 1. SPN#1322, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Multiple Cylinders -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1322, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Multiple Cylinders -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1322, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Multiple Cylinders -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedENGINE MISFIRE CYLINDER 1 -- CONDITION EXISTSTable 1. SPN#1323, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 1 -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1323, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 1 -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedENGINE MISFIRE CYLINDER 2 -- CONDITION EXISTSTable 1. SPN#1324, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 2 -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1324, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 2 -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedENGINE MISFIRE CYLINDER 3 -- CONDITION EXISTSTable 1. SPN#1325, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 3 -- Condition ExistsTable 1. SPN#1325, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 3 -- Condition Exists - ContinuedENGINE MISFIRE CYLINDER 4 -- CONDITION EXISTSTable 1. SPN#1326, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 4 -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1326, FMI#31 - Engine Misfire Cylinder 4 -- Condition Exists -- ContinuedHIGH VOLTAGE OR OPEN CIRCUIT AT FUEL PUMP ACTUATORTable 1. SPN#1347, FMI#3 - High Voltage or Open Circuit At Fuel Pump Actuator -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1347, FMI#3 - High Voltage or Open Circuit At Fuel Pump Actuator -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1347, FMI#3 - High Voltage or Open Circuit At Fuel Pump Actuator -- ContinuedELECTRONIC FUEL CONTROL ACTUATOR SHORTED LOWTable 1. SPN#1347, FMI#4 - Electronic Fuel Control Actuator Shorted Low -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1347, FMI#4 - Electronic Fuel Control Actuator Shorted Low -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1347, FMI#4 - Electronic Fuel Control Actuator Shorted Low -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#1347, FMI#4 - Electronic Fuel Control Actuator Shorted Low -- ContinuedLOW VOLTAGE AT SENSOR SUPPLY CIRCUIT NUMBER 2Table 1. SPN#3510, FMI#4 - Low Voltage at Sensor Supply Circuit Number 2 -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#3510, FMI#4 - Low Voltage at Sensor Supply Circuit Number 2 -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#3510, FMI#4 - Low Voltage at Sensor Supply Circuit Number 2 -- ContinuedTable 1. SPN#3510, FMI#4 - Low Voltage at Sensor Supply Circuit Number 2 -- ContinuedENGINE FAILURE TO STARTTable 1. Engine Failure To StartTable 1. Engine Failure To Start -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Failure To Start -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Failure To Start -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Failure To Start -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Failure To Start -- ContinuedENGINE FAILURE TO RUN AFTER STARTINGTable 1. Engine Failure To Run After Starting -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Failure To Run After Starting -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Failure To Run After Starting -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Failure To Run After Starting -- ContinuedENGINE FLUID LEAKSTable 1. Engine Fluid LeaksTable 1. Engine Fluid Leaks -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Fluid Leaks -- ContinuedENGINE PERFORMANCE POOR OR ERRATICTable 1. Engine Performance Poor or Erratic -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Performance Poor or Erratic -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Performance Poor or Erratic -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Performance Poor or Erratic -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Performance Poor or Erratic -- ContinuedUNREQUESTED ENGINE SHUTDOWNTable 1. Unrequested Engine Shutdown -- ContinuedTable 1. Unrequested Engine Shutdown -- ContinuedTable 1. Unrequested Engine Shutdown -- ContinuedTable 1. Unrequested Engine Shutdown -- ContinuedEXCESSIVE ENGINE OIL CONSUMPTIONTable 1. Excessive Engine Oil Consumption -- ContinuedTable 1. Excessive Engine Oil Consumption -- ContinuedEXCESSIVE ENGINE NOISETable 1. Excessive Engine Noise -- Continued'Unknown' by April Breneman - Page 537 of 1304Table 1. Abnormal Engine Exhaust Noise -- ContinuedTable 1. Abnormal Engine Exhaust Noise -- ContinuedEXHAUST SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 1. Exhaust System TroubleshootingTable 1. Exhaust System Troubleshooting -- ContinuedTable 1. Exhaust System Troubleshooting -- ContinuedENGINE FAILS TO CRANKTable 1. Engine Fails to Crank Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Fails to Crank Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Fails to Crank Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Fails to Crank Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Engine Fails to Crank Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTRUCK HITCH ARMS FAIL TO EXTENDTable 1. Truck Hitch Arms Fail to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Truck Hitch Arms Fail to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Truck Hitch Arms Fail to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTRUCK HITCH ARMS FAIL TO RETRACTTable 1. Truck Hitch Arms Fail to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Truck Hitch Arms Fail to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Truck Hitch Arms Fail to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedAUGER ASSEMBLY FAILS TO LOWERTable 1. Augers Fail to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Augers Fail to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Augers Fail to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Augers Fail to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedAUGER ASSEMBLY FAILS TO RAISETable 1. Augers Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Augers Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Augers Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Augers Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Augers Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTRUCK HITCH IN FAULTTable 1. Truck Hitch In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Truck Hitch In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTRUCK HITCH OUT FAULTTable 1. Truck Hitch Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Truck Hitch Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedAUGER UP FAULTTable 1. Auger Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Auger Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedAUGER DOWN FAULTTable 1. Auger Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Auger Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED FAILS TO RAISETable 1. Screed Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED DOWN FAULTTable 1. Screed Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED FAILS TO LOWERTable 1. Screed Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED UP FAULTTable 1. Screed Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED ELECTRIC HEAT BOX MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Screed Electric Heater Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Electric Heater Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Electric Heater Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Electric Heater Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Electric Heater Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedHOPPER WINGS FAIL TO OPENTable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedHOPPER WINGS FAIL TO CLOSETable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper Wings Fail to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedHOPPER OUT FAULTTable 1. Hopper Out Fault Troubleshooting ProceduresTable 1. Hopper Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedHOPPER IN FAULTTable 1. Hopper In Fault Troubleshooting ProceduresTable 1. Hopper In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Hopper In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedMAIN HYDRAULIC MANIFOLD MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Main Hydraulic Manifold Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLOAD SENSE HYDRAULIC PUMP MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Load Sense Hydraulic Pump Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedCHARGE PUMP MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Charge Pump Malfunction Troubleshooting ProceduresPROPULSION PUMP MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Propulsion Pump Malfunction Troubleshooting ProceduresVARIABLE AUGER PUMP MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Variable Auger Pump Malfunction Troubleshooting ProceduresLEFT SCREED SLOPE FAILS TO RAISETable 1. Left Screed Slope Fail to Raise Troubleshooting ProceduresTable 1. Left Screed Slope Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Slope Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Slope Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT TOW FAILS TO RAISETable 1. Left Tow Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Tow Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Tow Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT SCREED SLOPE FAILS TO RAISETable 1. Right Screed Slope Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Slope Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Slope Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT SCREED SLOPE FAILS TO LOWERTable 1. Right Screed Slope Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Slope Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Slope Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT SCREED SLOPE FAILS TO LOWERTable 1. Left Screed Slope Fail to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Slope Fail to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Slope Fail to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TOW FAILS TO RAISETable 1. Right Tow Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Tow Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Tow Fails to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TOW FAILS TO LOWERTable 1. Right Tow Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Tow Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Tow Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT TOW FAILS TO LOWERTable 1. Left Tow Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Tow Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Tow Fails to Lower Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT SLOPE UP FAULTTable 1. Left Slope Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Slope Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT SLOPE UP FAULTTable 1. Right Slope Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Slope Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT SLOPE DOWN FAULTTable 1. Left Slope Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Slope Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT SLOPE DOWN FAULTTable 1. Right Slope Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Slope Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TOW UP FAULTTable 1. Right Tow Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Tow Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT TOW UP FAULTTable 1. Left Tow Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Tow Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT TOW DOWN FAULTTable 1. Left Tow Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Tow Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TOW DOWN FAULTTable 1. Right Tow Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Tow Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT CUTOFF FAILS TO OPENTable 1. Right Cutoff Fails to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Cutoff Fails to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Cutoff Fails to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT CUTOFF OPEN FAULTTable 1. Left Cutoff Open Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Cutoff Open Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT CUTOFF OPEN FAULTTable 1. Right Cutoff Open Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Cutoff Open Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT CUTOFF FAILS TO OPENTable 1. Left Cutoff Fails to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Cutoff Fails to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Cutoff Fails to Open Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT CUTOFF CLOSE FAULTTable 1. Left Cutoff Close Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Cutoff Close Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT CUTOFF CLOSE FAULTTable 1. Right Cutoff Close Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Cutoff Close Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT CUTOFF FAILS TO CLOSETable 1. Right Cutoff Fails to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Cutoff Fails to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Cutoff Fails to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT CUTOFF FAILS TO CLOSETable 1. Left Cutoff Fails to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Cutoff Fails to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Cutoff Fails to Close Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT SCREED EXTENSION FAILS TO EXTENDTable 1. Right Screed Extension Fails to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Extension Fails to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Extension Fails to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT SCREED EXTENSION FAILS TO EXTENDTable 1. Left Screed Extension Fails to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Extension Fails to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Extension Fails to Extend Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT SCREED EXTENSION FAILS TO RETRACTTable 1. Left Screed Extension Fails to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Extension Fails to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Screed Extension Fails to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT SCREED EXTENSION FAILS TO RETRACTTable 1. Right Screed Extension Fails to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Extension Fails to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Screed Extension Fails to Retract Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT EXTENSION OUT FAULTTable 1. Left Extension Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Extension Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT EXTENSION OUT FAULTTable 1. Right Extension Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Extension Out Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT EXTENSION IN FAULTTable 1. Right Extension In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Extension In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT EXTENSION IN FAULTTable 1. Left Extension In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Extension In Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT AUGER FAILS TO TURNTable 1. Left Auger Fail To Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Auger Fail To Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Auger Fail To Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT AUGER FAILS TO TURNTable 1. Right Auger Fail To Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Auger Fail To Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Auger Fail To Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TRACK FORWARD EDC FAULTTable 1. Right Track Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Track Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT AUGER REVERSE EDC FAULTTable 1. Right Auger Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Auger Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT AUGER FORWARD EDC FAULTTable 1. Right Auger Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Auger Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT AUGER FORWARD EDC FAULTTable 1. Left Auger Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Auger Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT AUGER REVERSE EDC FAULTTable 1. Left Auger Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Auger Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT TRACK FORWARD EDC FAULTTable 1. Left Track Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Track Forward EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TRACK REVERSE EDC FAULTTable 1. Right Track Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Track Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT TRACK REVERSE EDC FAULTTable 1. Left Track Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Track Reverse EDC Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED CROWN FAILS TO VALLEYTable 1. Screed Crown Fails to Valley Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Crown Fails to Valley Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Crown Fails to Valley Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED CROWN FAILS TO CROWNTable 1. Screed Crown Fails to Crown Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Crown Fails to Crown Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Crown Fails to Crown Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedCROWN UP FAULTTable 1. Crown Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Crown Up Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedCROWN DOWN FAULTTable 1. Crown Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Crown Down Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT CONVEYOR FAILS TO TURNTable 1. Right Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT CONVEYOR FAILS TO TURNTable 1. Left Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Conveyor Fails to Turn Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT CONVEYOR SPEED COIL FAULTTable 1. Left Conveyor Speed Coil Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Conveyor Speed Coil Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT CONVEYOR SPEED COIL FAULTTable 1. Right Conveyor Speed Coil Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Conveyor Speed Coil Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Conveyor Speed Coil Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedHORN FAILS TO SOUNDTable 1. Horn Fails To Sound Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Horn Fails To Sound Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Horn Fails To Sound Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Horn Fails To Sound Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedHORN RELAY FAULTTable 1. Horn Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Horn Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedWORKLIGHT FAILS TO OPERATETable 1. Worklight Fails to Operate Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Worklight Fails to Operate Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Worklight Fails to Operate Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Worklight Fails to Operate Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Worklight Fails to Operate Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLIGHTS RELAY FAULTTable 1. Lights Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Lights Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedBEACON LIGHT FAILS TO OPERATETable 1. Beacon Light Fails to Operate Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Beacon Light Fails to Operate Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedBEACON RELAY FAULTTable 1. Beacon Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Beacon Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedHYDRAULIC OIL TEMPERATURE SENSOR MALFUNCTIONHYD TEMP SENSOR FAULTTable 1. Hyd Temp Sensor Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedFUEL LEVEL SENSOR MALFUNCTIONFUEL LEVEL SENSOR FAULTTable 1. Fuel Level Sensor Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedBRAKE VALVE FAULTTable 1. Brake Valve Fault Troubleshooting ProceduresLEFT AUGER BYPASS MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Left Auger Bypass Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT AUGER BYPASS MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Right Auger Bypass Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT AUGER BYPASS FAULTTable 1. Left Auger Bypass Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Auger Bypass Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT AUGER BYPASS FAULTTable 1. Right Auger Bypass Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Auger Bypass Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedVIBRATOR MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Vibrator Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Vibrator Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedVIBRATOR RELAY FAULTTable 1. Vibrator Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Vibrator Relay Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedBACK UP ALARM FAILS TO SOUNDREVERSE ALARM FAULTTable 1. Reverse Alarm Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Reverse Alarm Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedPROPEL CONTROLLER OFFLINE FAULTTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Propel Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSCREED CONTROLLER OFFLINE FAULTTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Screed Controller Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedOUTPUT MODULE OFFLINE FAULTTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Output Module Offline Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. 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Left Sonic Sensor Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Sonic Sensor Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Sonic Sensor Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSPRAY PUMP MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Spray Pump Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Spray Pump Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSPRAY PUMP FAULTTable 1. Spray Pump Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Spray Pump Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedSPEED 2 COIL FAULTTable 1. Speed 2 Coil Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Speed 2 Coil Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTRACK TENSION LOOSETable 1. Track Tension Loose Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT RUN/STOP TOGGLE SWITCH MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Right Run/Stop Toggle Switch Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT RUN/STOP TOGGLE SWITCH MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Left Run/Stop Toggle Switch Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT NEUTRAL SIGNAL MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Right Neutral Signal Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT NEUTRAL SIGNAL MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Left Neutral Signal Malfunction Troubleshooting ProceduresLEFT PLATFORM CONTROL DISPLAY MALFUNCTIONTable 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. 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Left Track Fails To Move Forward Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Track Fails To Move Forward Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TRACK FAILS TO MOVE FORWARDTable 1. Right Track Fails To Move Forward Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Track Fails To Move Forward Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Track Fails To Move Forward Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedLEFT TRACK FAILS TO MOVE IN REVERSETable 1. Left Track Fails To Move In Reverse Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Track Fails To Move In Reverse Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Left Track Fails To Move In Reverse Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedRIGHT TRACK FAILS TO MOVE IN REVERSETable 1. Right Track Fails To Move In Reverse Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. Right Track Fails To Move In Reverse Troubleshooting Procedures -- ContinuedTable 1. 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