TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. SPN#167, FMI#18 ― Electrical Charging System Voltage Low --
Moderately Severe Level -- Continued.
2. Measure resistance between
battery SUPPLY (+) pins (pin 3
Ohms (Ω), replace engine
and pin 4) of engine interface
interface wiring harness (WP
wiring harness power connector
0388, Vol 2).
W16 J3 and positive (+) battery
terminal (WP 0443, Vol 3 and
WP 0448, Vol 3, Figure 12).
2. If resistance is 10 Ω or less,
proceed to next malfunction.
5. Short circuit in battery power
Measure resistance between
connector of engine interface
battery SUPPLY positive (+) pins
kiloOhms (kΩ), proceed to next
wiring harness.
(pin 3 and pin 4) and battery
SUPPLY negative (-) pins (pin 1
and pin 2) of engine interface
wiring harness battery power
connector W16 J3 (WP 0443, Vol 3
and WP 0448, Vol 3, Figure 13).
2. If resistance is 100 kΩ or less,
replace engine interface wiring
harness (WP 0388, Vol 2).
6. Pin-to-pin short circuit in engine
1. Disconnect positive battery
interface wiring harness.
cable from battery (WP 0357,
Vol 2).
2. Measure resistance between
1. If resistance is 100 kΩ or more,
ECM battery SUPPLY (+) pins
restore equipment to original
(pin 3 and pin 4) in battery
condition and proceed to next
power connector W16 J3 and
all pins in engine interface
wiring harness ECM connector
W16 J3 (WP 0443, Vol 3 and
WP 0448, Vol 3, Figure 19).
kΩ, replace engine interface
wiring harness (WP 0388, Vol
3. Start engine (TM 5-3895-385-
10) and idle for 1 minute.