TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. Engine Fails to Crank Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.
6. Determine if right neutral signal
1. If right neutral signal is indicated
is indicated as OFF in the Plus
as ON, proceed to next test.
One diagnostic tool (WP 0444,
Vol 2).
2. If right neutral signal is indicated
7. Determine if left run/stop toggle
1. If left run/stop toggle switch is
switch is indicated as OFF in the
indicated as OFF, proceed to
Plus One diagnostic tool (WP
next test.
0444, Vol 3).
2. If left run/stop toggle switch is
indicated as ON, proceed to WP
8. Determine if right run/stop toggle
1. If right run/stop toggle switch is
switch is indicated as OFF in the
indicated as OFF, replace
Plus One diagnostic tool (WP
propel controller module
0444, Vol 3).
Electronic Control Module
(ECM) (WP 0399, Vol 2).
2. If right run/stop toggle switch is
indicated as ON, proceed to WP
4. Engine interface wiring harness
1. Disconnect main wiring harness
W1 J7 from engine interface
wiring harness W16 J1 (WP
0451, Vol 3, Figure 5).
2. Turn and hold keyless engine
switch to the ON position (TM 5-
3. Measure voltage (WP 0443, Vol
1. If voltage reads a minimum of 22
3) between W1 J7 pin 5 and
VDC, turn keyless engine switch
known good ground (WP 0451,
to the OFF position (TM 5-3895-
Vol 3, Figure 5).
385-10), and replace engine
interface wiring harness (WP
0388, Vol 2).
2. If voltage reads below 22 VDC,
turn keyless engine switch to the
OFF position (TM 5-3895-385-
10), and proceed to next