TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. SPN#105, FMI#16 ― Intake Manifold Air Temperature Above Warning Limit -- Continued.
2. If tensioner arm stop is not in
contact with the spring case
stop, proceed to the next
3. Radiator cooler components
Inspect radiator cooler components
1. If obstructed, remove debris
are damaged or obstructed.
for damage or obstruction (WP
from radiator.
0364, Vol 2).
2. If damaged, replace radiator
cooler (WP 0364, Vol 2).
3. If not damaged or obstructed,
proceed to next malfunction.
4. Intake manifold temperature
1. Install fuse box (WP 0277, Vol
sensor is malfunctioning.
2. Connect battery cables (WP
0357, Vol 2).
3. Turn keyless engine switch to
AUX position (TM 5-3895-385-
10), but do not start engine.
Wait for 30 seconds.
4. Check active engine faults
1. If fault codes SPN#105, FMI#3
screen for fault codes
or SPN#105, FMI#4 is
SPN#105, FMI#3 or SPN#105,
displayed, turn keyless engine
switch to OFF position (TM 5-
3895-385-10), and troubleshoot
faults as necessary.
2. If fault codes SPN#105, FMI#3
or SPN#105, FMI#4 is not
displayed, turn keyless engine
switch to OFF position (TM 5-
3895-385-10), and proceed to
next malfunction.
1. Start engine and run at idle for
into engine compartment.
1 minute (TM 5-3895-385-10).
2. With engine running, check
1. If turbocharger is leaking hot air
into engine compartment, turn
system for leaks into engine
keyless engine switch to OFF
position (TM 5-3895-385-10),
and replace turbocharger (WP
0347, Vol 2).