TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. Engine Failure To Start -- Continued.
5. Air cleaner element dirty.
Inspect for dirty air cleaner
1. If clean, proceed to next
element (WP 0369, Vol 2).
2. If dirty, replace air cleaner
element (WP 0369, Vol 2).
6. Intake air hose blocked.
Inspect intake air hose for
1. If obstructed, remove obstruction
obstruction (WP 0369, Vol 2).
from intake air hose (WP 0369,
Vol 2).
2. If not obstructed, proceed to next
7. Starter wiring not secure.
Inspect all wiring connections on
1. If starter wiring is secure,
starter (WP 0447, Vol 3, Figure
proceed to next malfunction.
2. If starter wiring is not secure,
secure connections (WP 0351,
Vol 2).
8. Starter malfunction.
Attempt to start engine (TM 5-
1. If voltage is at least (+) 24 VDC
3895-385-10) while measuring
and engine rotates but does not
voltage between positive (+)
start, turn keyless engine switch
terminal and negative (-) terminal
to the OFF position (TM 5-3895-
of the starter (WP 0443, Vol 3).
385-10), and proceed to next
2. If voltage is at least (+) 24 VDC
and starter does not spin or
engine does not rotate, turn
keyless engine switch to the OFF
position (TM 5-3895-385-10),
and replace starter (WP 0351,
Vol 2).
3. If no voltage is displayed, turn
keyless engine switch to the OFF
position (TM 5-3895-385-10),
and replace power wiring
harness (WP 0358, Vol 2).
9. Fuel pump leaking.
1. Inspect that fuel line
1. If fuel lines are secure and not
connections at fuel pump are
leaking, proceed to next test.
secure and not leaking (WP
0329, Vol 2).
2. If fuel lines are not secure or are
leaking, secure fuel lines (WP
0329, Vol 2).