TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. SPN#654, FMI#7 ― Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 4 -- Mechanical System Not Responding
Properly or Out of Adjustment -- Continued.
2. If engine knock goes away, turn
keyless engine switch to the
OFF position (TM 5-3895-385-
10), and proceed to next test.
5. Restore the fuel injector supply
line connecting the rail to
cylinder number 1 (WP 0331,
Vol 2).
6. Repeat tests 1 through 4 for the
1. If engine knock does not go
rest of the fuel rail outlets.
away, turn keyless engine
switch to the OFF position (TM
5-3895-385-10), restore the fuel
injector supply line connecting
the rail to cylinder number
found when knock goes away
(WP 0337, Vol 2), and proceed
to excessive engine noise
2. If engine knock goes away,
proceed to next test.
7. Check active engine faults
1. If fault code SPN#654, FMI#7 is
screen for fault code SPN#654,
displayed, turn keyless engine
switch to the OFF position (TM
5-3895-385-10), and replace
fuel injector (WP 0338, Vol 2).
2. If fault code SPN#654, FMI#7 is
not displayed, proceed to next
3. Internal engine damage.
1. Remove engine valve cover
(WP 0327, Vol 2).
2. Remove fuel injectors (WP
0338, Vol 2).
3. Inspect fuel injectors for oil
1. If there is excessive blow by,
fouling (blow by).
proceed to excessive engine
2. If no evidence of excessive
blow by, restore equipment to
original condition, and proceed
to next test.