TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. Left Control Pedestal Display Malfunction Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.
2. If no continuity is present,
proceed to next malfunction.
21. Propel controller (ECM) has
1. Disconnect main wiring harness
damage or loose pin.
W1 J2 from propel controller
module ECM (WP 0399, Vol 2).
2. Check propel controller module
1. If propel controller module ECM
ECM for damage or loose pin.
has damage or loose pin,
replace propel controller module
ECM (WP 0399, Vol 2).
2. If no damage is found proceed to
next malfunction.
22. Main wiring harness has
Check main wiring harness W1 J2
1. If main wiring harness has
damage or loose pin.
for damage or loose pin (WP 0373,
damage or loose pin, repair or
Vol 2).
replace main wiring harness
(WP 0373, Vol 2).
2. If no damage is found, proceed
to next malfunction.
23. Main wiring harness has an
1. If continuity is present, proceed
open circuit.
0443, Vol 3) between main
to next test.
wiring harness W1 J2 Pin 3 and
main wiring harness W1 J28 Pin
A (WP 0451, Vol 3, Figure 2).
2. If no continuity is present,
replace main wiring harness
(WP 0373, Vol 2).
1. If continuity is present, proceed
0443, Vol 3) between main
to next test.
wiring harness W1 J2 Pin 4 and
main wiring harness W1 J28 Pin
B (WP 0451, Vol 3, Figure 2).
2. If no continuity is present,
replace main wiring harness
(WP 0373, Vol 2).
1. If continuity is present, proceed
0443, Vol 3) between main
to next malfunction.
wiring harness W1 J2 Pin 5 and
main wiring harness W1 J28 Pin
C (WP 0451, Vol 3, Figure 2).