TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. SPN#651, FMI#5 ― High Resistance or No Current at Number One Injector
DRIVER or RETURN Pin -- Continued.
7. Measure resistance from
1. If resistance is more than 100
cylinder #3 RETURN pin (pin
kΩ, proceed to next test.
60) at engine ECM wiring
harness connector W25 C1 to
engine block ground (WP 0443,
Vol 3 and WP 0448, Vol 3,
Figure 10).
2. If resistance is 100 kΩ or less,
replace engine ECM wiring
harness (WP 0334, Vol 2).
8. Measure resistance from
1. If resistance is more than 100
cylinder #4 RETURN pin (pin
kΩ, turn keyless engine switch
52) at engine ECM wiring
to OFF position (TM 5-3895-
harness connector W25 C1 to
385-10), and proceed to next
engine block ground (WP 0443,
Vol 3 and WP 0448, Vol 3,
Figure 10).
2. If resistance is 100 kΩ or less,
replace engine ECM wiring
harness (WP 0334, Vol 2).
17.Pin-to-pin short circuit in engine
1. Measure resistance from
1. If resistance is more than 100
ECM wiring harness.
cylinder #1 DRIVER pin (pin 45)
kΩ, proceed to next test.
at engine ECM wiring harness
connector W25 C1 to all other
pins in connector (WP 0443,
Vol 3 and WP 0448, Vol 3,
Figure 10).
2. If resistance is 100 kΩ or less,
replace engine ECM wiring
harness (WP 0334, Vol 2).
2. Repeat resistance
1. If resistance at any DRIVER pin
measurement at cylinder #2
is more than 100 kΩ, proceed
DRIVER pin (pin 57), cylinder
to next test.
#3 DRIVER pin (pin 46), and
cylinder #4 DRIVER pin (pin 55)
(WP 0443, Vol 3 and WP 0448,
Vol 3, Figure 10).
is 100 kΩ or less, replace
engine ECM wiring harness
(WP 0334, Vol 2).