TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. SPN#94, FMI#2 ― Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Not Changing -- Continued.
4. Circuit response incorrect.
1. Place jumper wire between rail
fuel pressure SIGNAL pin (pin
#2) and RETURN pin (pin #1)
on rail fuel pressure connector
of engine ECM wiring harness
(WP 0448, Vol 3, Figure 1).
2. Turn keyless engine switch to
the AUX position (TM 5-3895-
385-10), but do not start
engine. Wait 30 seconds.
3. Check active engine faults
1. If fault code SPN#157, FMI#4 is
screen for fault code SPN#157,
displayed, turn keyless engine
switch to OFF position (TM 5-
3895-385-10), and replace rail
fuel pressure sensor (WP 0333,
Vol 2).
2. If fault code SPN#157, FMI#4 is
not displayed, problem is
solved. Restore equipment to
original condition.
5. ECM fault.
1. Disconnect engine ECM wiring
harness connector W25 C1
from engine ECM (WP 0451,
Vol 3, Figure 43).
2. Inspect engine ECM wiring
1. If damaged, replace the engine
harness connector W25 C1 and
ECM wiring harness (WP 0334,
connector pins for damage.
Vol 2).
2. If no damage is found, proceed
to next test.
3. Inspect engine ECM connector
1. If engine ECM connector is
and connector pins for damage.
damaged, replace engine ECM
(WP 0332, Vol 2).
2. If no damage is found, proceed
to next malfunction.
4. Disconnect C11 J2 from Y4
(WP 0451, Vol 3, Figure 49)
and C3 J2 from Y14 (WP 0451,
Vol 3, Figure 49).