TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. Left Console Horn Keypad Fault Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.
1. If continuity is present, proceed
0443, Vol 3) between left
to next test.
pedestal wiring harness W12 J4
Pin 5 and left pedestal wiring
harness W12 J7 Pin B (WP
0451, Vol 3, Figure 30).
2. If no continuity is present,
replace left pedestal wiring
harness (WP 0374, Vol 2).
1. If continuity is present, proceed
0443, Vol 3) between left
to next malfunction.
pedestal wiring harness W12 J4
Pin 1 and left pedestal wiring
harness W12 J7 Pin C (WP
0451, Vol 3, Figure 30).
2. If no continuity is present,
replace left pedestal wiring
harness (WP 0374, Vol 2).
22. Left pedestal wiring harness
1. If continuity is present, replace
has a short circuit.
0443, Vol 3) between left
left pedestal wiring harness (WP
pedestal wiring harness W12 J4
0374, Vol 2).
Pin 4 (WP 0451, Vol 3, Figure
30) and all other pins on the left
pedestal wiring harness W12 J4
(WP 0374, Vol 2).
2. If no continuity is present,
proceed to next test.
1. If continuity is present, replace
0443, Vol 3) between left
left pedestal wiring harness (WP
pedestal wiring harness W12 J4
0374, Vol 2).
Pin 5 (WP 0451, Vol 3, Figure
30) and all other pins on the left
pedestal wiring harness W12 J4
(WP 0374, Vol 2).
2. If no continuity is present,
proceed to next test.