TM 5-3895-385-23-1
The BMPM uses a commercially-available Controller Area Network (CAN) bus platform that operates from 5 35
V and will perform all designed functionality within this range. On-board diagnostics are programmed to monitor
and display all hydraulic subsystems simultaneously and provide alerts for any element that exceeds preset
thresholds. The diagnostics program performs self checks and continuous monitoring of all subsystems. The
diagnostic program displays all faults on the control pedestal displays.
Paving Preparation
Several steps are required before beginning a paving operation. First the on-board spraydown system is used to
thoroughly wash all BMPM parts that come into contact with hot paving material. This helps prevent material
accumulations that could cause future maintenance problems.
Lubrication and Before PMCS are done prior to paving operations. Refer to WP 0222, Vol 2 and LO 5-3895-385-
The BMPM engine and screed electric heat box are started and allowed to warm up to normal operating
temperature before beginning paving operations. After the screed electric heat box runs for 30 minutes warming
the screed and hot paving material loaded into the hopper, the screed electric heat box can be turned off. While
paving continues, restarting the screed electric heat box is necessary only when paving conditions require more
heat than the hot paving material can provide or when the BMPM has been idle long enough for the screed to
Paving Operations
Paving with the BMPM is typically a two- to three-person operation. One main operator controls the forward
movement of the BMPM and many of the paving functions from the control pedestal. The screed control
operator(s), stationed on the screed platform, can control the amount, slope, and crown (if any) of the paving
material distributed during the paving operation. Paving an 8-ft (2.4-m) or wider strip of material requires two
screed control operators, one at each of the screed controls located at either side of the screed platform.
When the BMPM and screed have reached operating temperature, paving material is transferred from a dump
truck into the hopper on the front of the BMPM to begin paving operations. This transfer of material can be easily
managed by using the retractable hydraulic-controlled truck hitch attached to the front of the BMPM. This device
locks small rollers inside the rear wheels of the dump truck containing the paving material, and large rollers on the
truck hitch push the truck forward as the BMPM moves forward. At the same time, the paving material is being
loaded into the hopper, and it can be immediately conveyed to the augers and distributed to create the paved
The 10-ton (9.07-t) hopper payload enables the BMPM to lay 120 tons (108.8 t) of paving material per hour while
giving the operators infinite control of fine adjustments and the flexibility required on material paving projects. The
BMPM is designed to distribute material up to a thickness of 8 in (203 mm) and is equipped with both automatic
and manual thickness controls.
Paving material is fed from the hopper to the augers by means of a dual-conveyer system. From the augers, the
material is distributed over the surface being paved. Conveyor speed, auger speed, the position of the auger cut-
offs, and screed height all help to determine the amount of paving material distributed. Screed height is controlled
either manually or by use of the sonic auger sensor.
To improve operator comfort during paving operations, fumes from the hot paving material on the conveyor are
vented through the engine compartment to the outside.
Should an emergency situation arise while paving is in progress, the main operator can instantly shut down the
BMPM engine and all paving operations by pressing the red EMERGENCY STOP switch located on either control