TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. Unrequested Engine Shutdown -- Continued.
3. If engine starts and fuel pressure
at fuel filter inlet is not between
73 psi (503 kPa) and 189 psi
(1303 kPa), turn keyless engine
switch to OFF position (TM 5-
3895-385-10), and replace fuel
pump (WP 0329, Vol 2).
4. If engine does not start and fuel
filter inlet pressure at engine
cranking is not between 44 psi
(303 kPa) and 160 psi (1103
kPa), turn keyless engine switch
to OFF position (TM 5-3895-385-
10), and replace fuel pump (WP
0329, Vol 2).
3. Remove pressure gauge and
adapter and connect fuel filter
inlet line to fuel filter head.
Disconnect fuel filter outlet line
from fuel filter head. Attach fuel
pressure gauge and adapter
(WP 0448, Vol 3, Figure 56).
4. Start engine (TM 5-3895-385-
1. If pressure difference between
10) and run at idle, or if engine
fuel filter head outlet and fuel
fails to start, measure pressure
filter head inlet is greater than 29
while cranking.
psi (200 kPa), turn keyless
engine switch to OFF position
(TM 5-3895-385-10), and replace
spin-on fuel filter (WP 0339, Vol
2. If pressure difference between
fuel filter head outlet and fuel
filter head inlet is less than 29 psi
(200 kPa), turn keyless engine
switch to OFF position (TM 5-
3895-385-10), and proceed to
next malfunction.
6. Fuel injection lines damaged or
Inspect high-pressure fuel injector
1. If damaged or leaking, replace
lines for damage or leaks (WP
high-pressure fuel injector lines
0337, Vol 2).
(WP 0337, Vol 2).
2. If not damaged, proceed to next