TM 5-3895-385-23-1
Table 1. Augers Fail to Raise Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.
2. Attempt manual override test of
1. If auger raises, turn keyless
auger lift retract hydraulic
engine switch to the OFF
position (TM 5-3895-385-10),
0312, Vol 2 and WP 0441, Vol 3,
and replace auger lift hydraulic
Figure 4).
2. If auger does not raise, turn
keyless engine switch to the
OFF position (TM 5-3895-385-
10), and proceed to next test.
3. Attach hydraulic pressure tester
(WP 0442, Vol 3) to hydraulic
pressure at hydraulic fitting ALB
on the main hydraulic manifold
(WP 0441, Vol 3, Figure 3).
4. Start BMPM engine (TM 5-3895-
5. Check hydraulic pressure at
1. If hydraulic pressure reads a
hydraulic fitting ALB on the main
minimum of 1800 psi (12,410
hydraulic manifold (WP 0441,
kPa), restore BMPM to original
Vol 3, Figure 3) while pressing
condition, and proceed to next
auger raise key on pedestal top
(TM 5-3895-385-10).
2. If pressure reads below 1800
psi (12,410 kPa), replace auger
raise hydraulic solenoid (WP
0312, Vol 2).
6. Determine which side auger lift
1. If left side auger lift hydraulic
hydraulic cylinder is
cylinder fails to raise, proceed to
malfunctioning by attempting to
next malfunction.
raise augers and observing
which side does not raise
2. If right side auger lift hydraulic
cylinder fails to raise, proceed to
malfunction 7.