TM 5-3895-373-34E.INSTALL - Continued.e.Install a dial indicator onto edge of flywheelhousing (119).f.With tip of dial indicator against outer diameterof flywheel (112), turn flywheel and measuretrueing of flywheel.g.Flywheel trueing must be within 0.012 in. (0, 30mm) of total dial indicator reading.h.If flywheel is not within 0.012 in. (0, 30 mm) oftotal dial indicator reading, loosen hex head capscrews (110).i.Tap flywheel in opposite direction of higherreading.j.Tighten hex head cap screws (110) to 80 Ib-ft(108 N.m).k.Install housing (109) with flat washers (108) andscrews (107). Tighten to 36 lb-ft (48 N.m).1.Install pressure plate (116) and secure with flatwashers (115), lockwashers (114), and hex headcap screws (113). Tighten cap screws to 80 Ib-ft(108 N.m).m.Press flywheel (112) toward engine block to takeup crankshaft assembly end float.n.Use dial indicator, attached to edge of flywheelhousing (1 19), to measure outermost point ofmachined face runout of flywheel (112), in 1.0 in.(25, 0 mm) increments.o.Flywheel runout must be within 0.001 in. (0, 025mm) per 1.0 in. (25, 0 mm) of flywheel radiusfrom crankshaft assembly axis to dial indicatortip.p.If flywheel is out of tolerance, replace flywheel(112) or crankshaft assembly.q.Remove dial indicator.GO TO NEXT PAGE2-217
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