TM 5-3895-373-20CHAPTER 9TRACK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEParaPageGeneral Maintenance Procedures............................................................................ 9.19-1Replace Track Pad................................................................................................... 9.39-8Replace Track Tensioning Accumulator .................................................................. 9.29-29.1.GENERALMAINTENANCEPROCEDURES.All unit level maintenance shall be performed inaccordance with good and safe shop practices. Observethe following general instructions and requirements whenperforming track assembly maintenance.a.Areas of the paving machine exposed to pavingmaterial buildup require cleaning prior to disassembly.Use hammers, chisels, and scrapers to remove thickestsections of buildup. If available, use heater gun to softendeposits adhering to components; remove softenedbuildup with putty knife. When heating paving material,keep second person with fire extinguisher at hand andavoid overheating. If heater gun is not available, usesolvent or fuel washdown system to soften pavingmaterial.b.Thoroughly clean hydraulic hoses and fittingsbefore disconnecting. Always plug or cap offdisconnected fitting to prevent dirt and contaminantsfrom entering the system. Failure to clean hoses andfittings and to plug or cap open fittings may result inhydraulic system contamination and equipment damage.c.Always tag mating connectors and fittings beforedisconnecting. Tagging of mating connectors and fittingswill ease reassembly and reduce assembly errord.Use a backup wrench when loosening ortightening in- line fittings. Using a backup wrench willprevent unnecessary damage to attached lines and/ofsmaller fittings.e.Thread locking compound is used with mostthreaded fasteners. If a threaded fastener will not breakloose, heat threaded aria of fastener from 5000 6000F(2320 to 3150 C) with heater gun.. If the special solventused to remove thread locking compound from screwthreads fails to remove buildup, discard fastener.f.Discard all removed gaskets, seals, preformedpackings, self-locking nuts, lockwasher, spring pins, anddeformed hardware.g.Inspect all removed components for obviouswear of damage. Replace all worn, bent, broken, orotherwise damaged parts.h.Inspect all removed fasteners for threaddamage. If thread damage is found, replace fastener.Replace flat washers if galled or bent. Use screwextractor set (Item 15, Appendix E) to remove brokenstuds or screwsi.Clean painted surfaces thoroughly beforerepainting. Do not paint over rust or corrosion. Cover airbreather ports and hydraulic components. Do not paintbearings or other parts that require surface lubrication.Reference TM 43-.139 for equipment paintingrequirementsj.Use only authorized replacement parts. Refer toTM 53895-373-24P, Repair Parts and Special Tools List(RPSTL) for authorized replacement parts.k.Torque values cited in the text apply to modifiedSAE Grade 8 fasteners at required clamping loads.l.Observe all warnings and cautions. Wearprotective clothing and equipment as specified. Observethe Safety and Hazard Warnings provided in TACOMtechnical bulletin TB 43-0216.9-1
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