Electric Clutches - RH Side
Figure 28
The life span of the clutches will be increased by making a thorough periodic inspection.
The operator should be familiar with the operation of these clutches. He should assume the responsibility of
inspecting and maintaining each clutch as follows:
(1) Check to see that clutches are free from oil and grease.
(2) Clean clutches with oil-free solvents.
(3) Keep clutches covered by walkways.
IMPORTANT! Keep walkways in place except when servicing.
(4) Check electrical wiring for all clutches to see if there are any loose connections or broken wires.
(5) Maintain a minimum opening of .046" (3/64") between the Armature "C" and Rotor "B". (See Figure 29) This
dimension should be checked simultaneously at 3 points, 120 apart. All present paver clutches have a Scribe Line on
the OD of the field "A" for assembly purposes, align the inward edge of the outer pole of the Rotor "B" with this Scribe
Line visually to a tolerance of plus 1/32" minus .000". This setting will provide proper clearance internally between the
Rotor and the field.
(6) Pavers in the field without Scribe Line maintain the measurement of 3/4" .008" between the outer edge of the
Field Mounting Flange "A" and edge of Rotor "B".
CAUTION: If dimension is less or Field "A" is rubbing against Rotor "B", DO NOT MOVE MACHINE. Make the
following adjustments to eliminate clutch damage.
Feed Clutch Adjustment (Refer to Figure 29)
NOTE: Travel clutch is identical except for hub detail.
(1) To adjust clutch for .046" (3/64") opening, loosen set screws "P" on Hub "F" and move Hub until proper
measurement of .046" is reached between Rotor "B" and Armature "C". Check this measurement at three points around
the circumference of the clutch. Tighten set screws "P" and be sure Armature "C" slides free on pin "Q".
(2) To adjust clutch for alignment to the Scribe Mark within + 1 / 32" minus .000", remove bolts "G" that hold Drive
Assembly "H" in place. Detach Drive Assembly "H". Free Lock Washer "J" from Nut "K" and remove Nut "K". Remove
Washer "J" and "L". Remove Chain from Sprocket "M". Use Bearing Puller to remove Hub and Armature Assembly
from Shaft. Remove Two Set Screws "N" that hold Taper-lok Bushing "E" and Rotor Hub
"D" in place.
CAUTION: DO NOT DETACH Hub "D", from Rotor "B" for this particular clutch adjustment. LEAVE HUB "D"
(3) By adjusting Taper-lok Bushing "E" the alignment of the Rotor "D" can be obtained. Before assembling Rotor
Hub "D" to Tapered Bushing "E", rinse mating parts and shaft with solvent to remove any oil film on parts to be
(4) Assemble Rotor and Taper-lok Bushing on shaft and tighten set screws "N" to 800-inch lbs. wrench-torque on
screws. After tightening, rap bushing with hammer to seat it into hub. Tighten set screws again. Repeat alternate
hammering and screw tightening until 800-inch lbs. wrench-torque can no longer move the screws.
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