TM 5-3895-385-23-2
Hydraulic Oil Return Filter Assembly Removal -- Continued.
Some hydraulic oil will leak out of hoses and hydraulic fittings when disconnecting or connecting
components. Have a drain pan and rags in place to capture hydraulic oil.
1. Disconnect and cap hydraulic hose 30 from reservoir fill neck (Figure 1, Item 12).
Reservoir fill cap is under spring pressure. Use care when removing reservoir fill cap.
2. Remove three wing nuts (Figure 1, Item 2) and lock washers (Figure 1, Item 3) from threaded studs (Figure 1,
Item 10), and remove reservoir fill cap (Figure 1, Item 1). Discard lock washers.
3. Remove spring (Figure 1, Item 5) from top of hydraulic oil filter (Figure 1, Item 6).
4. Remove O-ring (Figure 1, Item 4) from top of reservoir fill neck (Figure 1, Item 12). Discard O-ring.
5. Twist and remove hydraulic oil filter (Figure 1, Item 6) from filter housing (Figure 1, Item 8) mount.
6. Remove filter housing (Figure 1, Item 8) from reservoir fill neck (Figure 1, Item 12).
7. Remove O-ring (Figure 1, Item 9) from outside of filter housing (Figure 1, Item 8). Discard O-ring.
8. Remove O-ring (Figure 1, Item 7) from hydraulic oil filter (Figure 1, Item 6) mount inside filter housing (Figure
1, Item 8). Discard O-ring.
9. Remove three bolts (Figure 1, Item 15) and lock washers (Figure 1, Item 14) from reservoir fill neck (Figure 1,
Item 12). Discard lock washers.
It may be necessary to pry reservoir fill neck from top of hydraulic reservoir. Use care not to
gauge mounting surface when removing reservoir fill neck.
10. Remove reservoir fill neck (Figure 1, Item 12) from hydraulic reservoir (Figure 1, Item 13).
Use care not to allow residual adhesive to enter the hydraulic reservoir. Failure to comply may
cause damage to equipment.
11. Remove residual adhesive from bottom of reservoir fill neck (Figure 1, Item 12) and hydraulic reservoir
(Figure 1, Item 13) mounting surface.
Hydraulic Oil Return Filter Assembly Installation
Ensure hydraulic reservoir mounting surface is clean and free of oil before applying gasket
1. Apply gasket sealant to bottom of reservoir fill neck (Figure 1, Item 12).
2. Install reservoir fill neck (Figure 1, Item 12) onto top of hydraulic reservoir (Figure 1, Item 13), and install three
bolts (Figure 1, Item 15) and new lock washers (Figure 1, Item 14) onto reservoir fill neck.