Typical 36" Retaining Plate Arrangement
Figure 16
Swinging Side Plate to Vertical Position
Figure 14
Disengaging Coupling to Stop Screw End Section
Figure 17
ceeds two, an extra brace is added. (See Figure 16).
Cut-off Shoes (Refer to Figure 18)
Figure 15
Standard cut-off shoes which fit the paver
Bevel Guide Plates (Refer to Figure 12)
extensions reduce the paving width in varying
Bevel guide plates can be bolted to the side plates
amounts in 112" increments, down to the minimum of
in order to produce a beveled edge on the mat as the
10 ft. They slide under the side plates and are bolted
material is deposited. The degree of bevel is 450. The
in place. Bolt holes are spaced 1 /2" apart.
bevel depths available are 1/2" and 3".
(1) To install cut-off shoe, block up screed to
Retaining Plates
Material retaining plates must be used ahead of
(2) Raise side plate and slide cut-off shoe "G" under
extended screw conveyors whenever the mat
screed as much as required for desired mat width
extension exceeds 2 ft. These plates prevent the
reduction. (See Figure 19)
forward spread of material so that the screws are
(3) Bolt cut-off shoe to side plate. (Shoe fits either
handling a uniform depth all the way out to the ends
end of screed.)
(See Section 6, Figures 10 & 11). When up to 4 ft. of
(4) Release lock (J) on spreader screw to allow tip
extension is added to one end of the screed a
screw section (H) to become idle. To prevent material
retaining plate support angle is attached to the screed
from being fed onto the top of the cut-off shoe and
pull arm and when the number of plates ex-
spilling onto the road base, fashion pieces
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