TM 5-3895-385-23-2
Air Intake Manifold Removal -- Continued.
Dry cleaning solvent is combustible and toxic to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Skin and eye
protection is required. Avoid repeated or prolonged contact. Work in ventilated area only. Failure
to comply may cause injury or death to personnel.
Liquid gasket material entering the cylinder head can lead to engine damage. If scraping liquid
gasket material is required, prevent gasket debris from entering cylinder head. Failure to comply
may cause damage to equipment.
3. Remove any residual liquid gasket (Figure 1, Item 3) material from cylinder head (Figure 1, Item 4) and air
intake manifold (Figure 1, Item 2).
Water solution hot enough to clean engine parts is hot enough to cause scald injury to personnel.
Be sure to wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles while cleaning pistons. Failure to comply
may cause injury or death to personnel.
4. Clean air intake manifold (Figure 1, Item 2) in a strong solution of hot water and detergent.
Air Intake Manifold Installation
1. Apply 0.039-inch (in) (1-millimeter (mm)) bead of liquid gasket (Figure 1, Item 3) sealant to mounting surfaces
of cylinder head (Figure 1, Item 4) and air intake manifold (Figure 1, Item 2).
2. Install air intake manifold (Figure 1, Item 2) and six bolts (Figure 1, Item 1) onto cylinder head (Figure 1, Item
4) finger-tight.
3. Torque eight bolts (Figure 1, Item 1) to 18 foot-pounds (ft-lb) (24.4 Newton meters (Nm)) starting from center
bolts and working outward using a crossing pattern to apply even pressure to gasket material.