TM 5-3895-373-207.20.REPLACE BATTERY CABLES - Continued.B.INSTALL - Continued.3.INSTALL POSITIVE BATTERY CABLE.a.Refer to illustration and install positivebattery cable (6) into paving machine asfollows: starting at starter, bring positivebattery cable across back of engine overflywheel housing. Insert battery end ofcable into opening between the hydraulicreservoir and fuel tank and push through tobattery compartment. Bring end of cableup to positive terminal of inboard battery.NOTEBefore installing positive batterycable (6) and slave cable (29), ensurelead wire 331 is installed on starter Bterminal.b.Reconnect positive battery cable (6) andslave cable (29) to starter B terminal.WARNINGElectrical insulating varnish fumescan be harmful if inhaled. Use only ina well ventilated area. Avoidprolonged exposure to fumes. Ifpersonnel become dizzy or drowsyduring use, get immediate medicalattention.c.Install hex nut (28) on starter B terminal.Apply electrical insulating varnish to hex nutand starter B terminal. Place rubber bootfrom slave cable over starter B terminal.d.Install clamp (32) onto positive battery cable(6).e.Install clamp on engine flywheel housingand secure with lockwasher (31) and capscrew (30). Tighten cap screw to 42 lb-ft(57 N•m).NOTETie wraps are located as needed.f.Install tie wraps (33) on positive batterycable (6) as needed to secure cable.GO TO NEXT PAGE7-152
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