TM 5-3895-373-207.6.REPAIR/REPLACE OPERATOR CONTROL CONSOLE ASSEMBLY - Continued.C.INSTALL - Continued.9.INSTALL PANEL SEAL AND GAUGE PANELASSEMBLY ONTO OPERATOR CONTROLCONSOLE.WARNINGAdhesive is TOXIC and extremelyflammable. Keep away from heat,sparks, and open flames. Use only inwell ventilated areas. Do not breathevapors or swallow and avoid contactwith eyes and skin. Failure to do somay result in injury or death topersonnel.If personnel become dizzy whileusing adhesive, immediately get freshair and medical attention. Ifpersonnel swallow adhesive, do notinduce vomiting. Get immediatemedical attention. If adhesivecontacts eyes, flush eyes with waterfor 15 minutes and get immediatemedical attention. If adhesivecontacts skin, wash thoroughly withsoap and water.a.Apply adhesive to seal area on operatorcontrol console (8) around gauge panelassembly (46) opening.b.Install panel seal (65) over adhesive onoperator control console (8). Line up holesin panel seal with holes in operator controlconsole to mount gauge panel assembly(46).NOTEEnsure wires are routed throughconduit mounting flange as tagged.c.Install gauge panel assembly (46) harnessinto operator control console. Leave gaugepanel assembly face down on work surface.GO TO NEXT PAGE7-46
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