TM 5-3895-356-14&P
Figure 26
1. Hook up hose from supply
8. When through transferring, turn
source to the filling connection Be
transfer valve lever to "Distribute"
sure connections are tight
position (to left on left transfer valve
and to right on optional right transfer 5
2. Hook up hose from storage
valve) Pull butterfly valve lever back
Remain clear of rotating drives when
to transfer connection Be sure
out against stop
unit is m operation to prevent
connections are tight
becoming entangled m machine.
Note If oil enters Distributor tank
3 Move transfer valve to "Handspray"
when transferring, butterfly valve is 6 Use gloves or insulated material
not closed tight
when handling spray bar, sections, or
hoses to prevent burns
4. Push butterfly valve lever in
against stop
Monthly check and If necessary
clean 3" overflow tube to insure tube
5. Move intake valve lever up,
has not become clogged
opening valve.
All pipe and hose connections must
6. Move quadrant control lever
be secure before operating valves to
to "Hand spray" position (When using
eliminate leaks which may spray hot
optional right hand transfer valve,
bitumen on other personnel
move quadrant control lever to
"Circulate in Bar" position.)
Fill line cap or connection must be
securely attached before operating
7. Run pump at maximum
intake valve lever to eliminate
speed where it will run quietly.
momentary discharge.
Normally 150 G P.M Is best transfer