TM 5-3895-373-34E.INSTALL Continued.1.Install woodruff key (35) into camshaft.NOTECamshaft gear must be drawn ontocamshaft by installation andtightening of fasteners. Holdcamshaft gear in position whileinstalling fasteners on camshaft.m.Install camshaft gear (31) with two timing marksaligned on either side of single timing mark onidler gear (38).n.While holding camshaft gear (31) in correctposition, install washer (34), retaining washer(30), washer (33), and screw (32). Tightenscrew to 30 lb-ft (41 N.m) to secure camshaftgear.o.Use a flat-blade screwdriver to bend tab onretaining washer (30) over edge of screw (32).p.Use a dial indicator to measure camshaft (122)end float. Camshaft end float must be 0.004 to0.020 in. (0, 10 to 0, 51 mm).GO TO NEXT PAGE2-231
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