TM 5-3895-373-2010.2.REPLACE/REPAIR VEHICULAR BUMPER COMPONENTS - Continued.E.INSTALL - Continued.2.INSTALL PUSH ROLLER ANDBEARING SHAFTS.a.With the help of another person, alignpush roller (5) with roller brackets (6) onvehicular bumper (7).b.Insert bearing shaft (4) through rollerbrackets (6) and into spherical bearings onboth sides of push roller (5).c.Install lockwashers (3) onto hex head capscrews (2).Thread locking compound can causeeye damage. Wear safetygoggles/glasses when using. Avoidcontact with eyes. If compoundcontacts eyes, flush eyes with waterand get immediate medical attention.d.Apply thread locking compound to threadsof hex head cap screws (2).e.Install hex head cap screws (2) andtighten to 37 lb-ft (50 N•m).f.Install lubrication fitting (1) into bearingshaft (4). Do not overtighten.g.Lubricate bearings through lubricationfitting (1) in accordance with LO 5-3895-373-12.END OF TASK10-10
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business