TM 5-3895-373-20B.INSTALL - Continued.2.INSTALL FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY.Fuel is very flammable and canexplode easily.To avoid serious injury or death:Always wear safety glasses/gogglesat all times.Keep fuel away from open flame orany spark (ignition source).Keep at least a B-C fire extinguisherwithin easy reach when working withfuel or on a fuel system.Do not work on fuel system whenengine is hot; fuel can be ignited by ahot engine.Post signs that read "NO SMOKINGWITHIN 50 FEET" when working withopen fuel lines or fuel tanks.a.Place gasket (24) onto fuel injection pump metaltube (10). Place rubber compression sleeve (25)onto induction heater fuel pipe (3).Thread locking compound solventcan cause eye damage. Wear safetygoggles/glasses when using. Avoidcontact with eyes. If solvent contactseyes, flush eyes with water and getimmediate medical attention.b.Clean hex head cap screw threads (19) with aclean cleaning cloth soaked in thread lockingcompound solvent.Thread locking compound can causeeye damage. Wear safetygoggles/glasses when using. Avoidcontact with eyes. If compoundcontacts eyes, flush eyes with waterand get immediate medical attention.c.Install lockwasher (20) and washer (21) onto hexhead cap screw (19). Apply thread lockingcompound to cap screws.d.Hold fuel filter assembly (1) in position to placemetal tube (10) into fuel filter assembly andinduction heater fuel pipe (3) into multipleconnector (4) but do not tighten at this time.e.Secure fuel filter assembly (1) onto cylinder headassembly (22) using hex head cap screws (19)with lockwashers(20) and washers (21).Tighten cap screws to 42 Ib-ft (57 N•m).GO TO NEXT PAGE4-59
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