TM 5-3895-356-14&P
on motor shaft (1). using an arbor press CAUTION
an arbor press and 21' Inch plug Fill cavity In shaft
should be exercised not to deform Inner retainer ring (58)
seal between oil lips approximately 34ftull with Litholene
when ball bearing (38) is seated against it If this occurs,
multi-purpose grease. Install new O-ring (57) in flange
back the ball bearing (38) oft and reseat Care should
(2). To prevent possible cuts or abrasion. the O-ring
be taken to support the inner race in the arbor press to
157) should be lightly coated with a multi-purpose grease
prevent deformation of the ball bearing Heating the
bearing In hot oil will aid In a smooth bearing installation
Install outer retainer ring (58).
5. Wrap slim stock or other thin material around shaft
3. Install motor shaft assembly (1, 38, 58, 49 and inner
spline and carefully slide shaft seal (59) and retainer
race of bearing 44) through the front face of the
(60) Into place over motor shaft (1).
6. Secure seal retainer (60) with hex bolts (48) and
Lock washers (47) Torque to 132 In. lbs. See Fig 209.
Figure 208.
Installing motor shaft assembly
The ball bearing (38) should fit snugly In the flange (2) If
Figure 209.
the ball bearing (38) doesn't seat easily, heat the
Installing shaft seal retainer
mounting flange (2) in hot oil and seat ball bearing (38) In
proper position DO NOT drive the ball bearing (38) into
place DO NOT use the shaft seal retainer (60) to force
the ball bearing into the seat.
After ball bearing (38) is seated, check for free running
by rotating shaft (1).
c Install shaft seal (I) and retainer (H) with retainer
gasket (E), hex bolts (G), and lock washers (F).
4 Coat the seal 0 D with Loctite pipe sealant and press
new shaft seal (59) into retainer (60) using
Figure 210.
Inspecting cam wear plate