13. Install screed plate. Use hex head screws at rear
14. Install the extension cover
and flat head screws at front, where the side plate
requires clearance
Extension With Adjusted Shim Packs Attached
Figure 30
IMPORTANT! When extensions are removed from the screed always attach the correct shim pack at the
correct point of use so that you will nlot have to delay the job by re-figuring the two packs. Merely use the
former shim pack and the alignment will be correct. (See Figure 30).
When more than one extension is used at one end of the screed, be sure to mark each extension for re-
installation in the same order as before. Mark the extension attached to the screed as No. 1, the second from
the screed, No. 2, etc. This will keep the adjusted shim packs correct for straight bottom alignment.
The bottom of an outer extension should be checked for wear frequently particularly when over lap paving
is done. An extension is always recommended for use at the point of overlap so that the short length of
bottom section will absorb the extra wearing tendency of the overlap operation.
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