TM 5-3895-385-23-2
Auger Drive Manifold Removal -- Continued.
correctly for proper operation. Failure to comply may cause damage to equipment.
Steps to remove and install an auger hydraulic motor are the same for each auger drive
motor. Right side shown.
It may be necessary to remove hydraulic hoses from the second auger hydraulic motor and
manifold in order to access the motor and manifold being removed.
1. Remove two electrical connections (Figure 1, Item 4) from auger drive manifold (Figure 1, Item 3).
Tag and label hydraulic hoses and hydraulic fittings prior to removal. Hydraulic hoses and
hydraulic fittings must be installed correctly for proper operation. Failure to comply may cause
damage to equipment.
Capture and dispose of any spilled fluid In Accordance With (IAW) local Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP).
2. Remove three hydraulic hoses (Figure 1, Item 2) from auger drive manifold (Figure 1, Item 3), and cap/plug
hydraulic hoses and hydraulic fittings.
Cap or plug holes in top of auger hydraulic motor to prevent dirt and debris from entering the
hydraulic system. Failure to comply may cause damage to equipment.
3. Remove four bolts (Figure 1, Item 1), auger drive manifold (Figure 1, Item 3), and two O-rings (Figure 1, Item
5) from auger hydraulic motor. Discard O-rings.
Auger Drive Manifold Installation
1. Install auger drive manifold (Figure 1, Item 3), two new O-rings (Figure 1, Item 5), and four bolts (Figure 1,
Item 1) onto auger hydraulic motor.
2. Remove cap/plug on hydraulic hoses and hydraulic fittings, and install three hydraulic hoses (Figure 1, Item 2)
onto auger drive manifold (Figure 1, Item 3).
3. Install two electrical connections (Figure 1, Item 4) onto auger drive manifold (Figure 1, Item 3).