TM 5-3895-373-20B.ADJUST - Continued.2.ADJUST INTAKE AND EXHAUST VALVESETTINGS AT CYLINDER NUMBERS 3, 4,AND 2.a.Rotate the engine with the radiator fan until thevalves for #2 cylinder are in the rocking positionand valves for #3 cylinder are at full extension.b.Perform step B.1 on #3 cylinder.c.Rotate the engine with the radiator fan untilvalves for #1 cylinder are in the rocking positionand valves for #4 cylinder are at full extension.d.Perform step B.1 on #4 cylinder.e.Rotate the engine with the radiator fan untilvalves for #3 cylinder are in the rocking positionand valves for #2 cylinder are at full extension.f.Perform step B.1 on #2 cylinder.C.INSTALL.1.CLEAN MATING SURFACES OF VALVECOVER AND CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY.Cleaning solvent, P-D-680, is TOXICand flammable. Wear protectivegoggles and gloves. Use only in awell ventilated area. Avoid contactwith skin, eyes, and clothes, and donot breathe vapors. Keep away fromheat or flame. Never smoke whenusing solvent; the flashpoint for TypeIII cleaning solvent is 200°F (93,3°C).Failure to do so may result in injuryor death to personnel.If personnel become dizzy whileusing cleaning solvent, immediatelyget fresh air and medical help. Ifsolvent contacts skin or clothes,flush with cold water. If solventcontacts eyes, flush eyes with waterand get immediate medicalattention.a.Use a clean, lint-free cloth soaked withcleaning solvent to clean the mating surfaces ofvalve cover and cylinder head assembly.b.Use a parts cleaning brush and cleaning solventto remove any hard deposits and carbon buildup.GO TO NEXT PAGE3-5
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