TM 5-3895-356-14&P
full open position by turning burner nozzle outward. To
light burners (Fig. 66), turn air butterfly valve on inside
burner to open position, light torch and hold under burner
tip, turn needle valve about 1/2 turn open. If burner does
not ignite within two (2) seconds, turn off fuel needle
Fill hydraulic reservoir with clean type "A"
valve and wait until gas fumes have been forced from
transmission fluid to thermometer hole level Place the
flues by blower air If after repeating the lighting
micro control knob (Figure 9) m upper most position
procedure a number of times, without success, check to
(Hold In place with lock tube). Next, start truck engine
insure all lines are connected as shown In Fig. 65, and
and with transmission In neutral, engage P.T O by pulling
all adjustments are made as outlined above before
"Pump" knob to upper most position At this time, adjust
attempting to relight Upon successful lighting of inside
pump control linkage such that no motor rotation occurs
burner, light outside burner using the same procedure as
even at 2000 R P M. engine speed (Pump control lever
indicated previously The main objective of this check is
will be straight up and down). Note, check for motor
to insure burners are connected properly Operate
rotation at double universal joint (Fig. 75) between
burners only long enough to insure proper functioning
hydraulic motor and asphalt pump input shaft. Next, pull
Extended operation without material in tank will damage
front override control and note if pump tachometer gives
a reading of pump rotation (flow) If there is no indication
of flow, re-check to insure control cable is attached to
B. Electrical Controls
chain In lowest pivot lever hole Clockwise rotation of
Start truck engine and allow 5 minutes for
asphalt pump input shaft, is an indication the pump
distributor system air pressure to stabalize Note pressure
control lever Is being rotated in the wrong direction.
on system gauge (Fig. 59). With spray bar end sections
Review pump control linkage connection. The asphalt
disengaged from turn-up latches as seen in Fig. 67,,
pump input shaft should always rotate counter clockwise
check to insure cab mounted switches actuate
when standing at the rear of distributor looking towards
respective functions as indicated. Bar turn-up should
cab end of chassis Repeat a similar check for the rear
cause the spray bar to rotate 90 degrees about the carry
override control Again check for indication of flow and
arm support bearings Fifth wheel lift should cause the
counter clockwise rotation of pump shaft. Care should
fifth wheel to raise and lower. With shift lock disengaged
be taken not to operate distributor asphalt pump for
bar shift will move the spray bar eight (8) inches either
extended periods since only residual testing oil remains
side of a center position. To test bar on-off, move the
in the pump at this time
quadrant control (Fig. 67) to the "Circulate in Bar"
position and pull catch lever so as to engage outer most
quadrant lever After holding bar on-off switch
momentarily in "ON" position, all valve levers should be
located in the "Spray" position as seen in Fig. 68.
A. Burner Controls
Repeat a similar check for rear electrical controls
Fill distributor burner fuel tank with clean kerosene,
fuel oil or diesel fuel Pull micro control knob to upper
C. Distributor and Truck Lights
most position and engage P T.O Tighten blower drive
Place chassis light switch in "ON" position Check to
belt using eye bolts such that drive clutch engages easily
insure all clearance, identification and tall lights are
while P T O is operating but still provides sufficient belt
operating at this time Place turn signal lever in left turn
tension to operate blower Engage blower drive clutch
position and check to insure front and rear turn signal
Increase truck engine speed until sufficient blower speed
lamps are operating. Repeat same procedure for right
is obtained to just slightly lift air relief valve weights (Fig.
side Depress brake pedal and check to insure both rear
stop lights function. If any lights should fail to function,
flow valve, loosen jam nut and adjust regulator screw in
check respective bulbs before attempting to check wiring
or out as required, to obtain a fuel pressure of 15 to 20 P
S.I on pressure gauge Before lighting burners, check for
fuel leakage at all fittings Tighten as necessary Open
exhaust stack covers Adjust secondary air supply to