7. Remove track, upper lower, and oscillating rollers. Replace all track roller shafts that show wear. The rollers
can be rebushed if the bore is not damaged. It the bore is damaged either a new roller is needed or a salvage operation
can be performed by boring the roller oversize and pressing in a steel sleeve. For bore sizes, consult Iowa Manu-
facturing Company, Service Engineering Department.
(a) Check the sprockets and shoes.
(b) Clean out the guard around the track drive chain.
(c) Check the bolts which hold the flange drive sprocket to the rear track drive sprocket. Make sure they are
S.A.E. bolts with a double jam nut and tightened properly.
8. Drain hydraulic fluid reservoir. Clean tank and suction filter. Re-fill with fresh fluid. (See Section 5)
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