(a) Bearing Inspection
Anti-friction bearing assemblies should be checked immediately after stopping the paver, whenever possible,
as their failure is most easily detected by a high operating temperature. If a bearing is too hot to be touched, it
is either running without any lubricant; with too much, or has failed.
(b) Transmission
The main transmission for the "CEDARAPIDS" Bituminous Paver has a capacity of 17 quarts and should be
lubricated with Texaco Multigear or Universal Gear Lubricant EP 90. It is important that the operator check for a
flow of oil through the sight gauge each day and check the level of the transmission when making general
lubrication inspections. The transmission should be flushed with Rando AA oil every 1,000 hours or seasonally.
(See lubrication chart.)
(c) Transfer Gear Cases
There are two transfer gear cases, one located on each side of the paver. Both have a capacity of 91/ quarts.
Use Texaco Multigear or Universal Gear Lubricant EP 90. The same instructions for flushing and checking
should be followed as for the main transmission. (See lubrication chart.)
(d) Hydraulic System
The system has a capacity of 10 gallons. Use Texaco Rando HD-C Oil. When filling the reservoir tank it is
important that the fluid is allowed time to flow and fill the system. Every 1,000 hours this system must be
drained, the strainer washed, and refilled with recommended lubricant. (See Section 5 for complete details).
(e) Slat Conveyor Bearings
Each of the two slat conveyors have four bearings. Two are mounted at the front of the paver and two at the
back. The lubrication of these bearings is important. They should be lubricated every 8 hours of operation with
Texaco Marfak O lubricant.
(1) To lubricate front slat conveyor bearings, remove front hopper cover plate. (See lubrication chart.)
(2) To lubricate rear slat conveyor bearings, see lubrication chart.
(f) Conveyor Drive Chains
The four conveyor drive chains should be lubricated once each week to minimize wear. To reach the chains
connecting each conveyor drive shaft to the countershafts, remove the rear deck plate on each side of the
engine. The two chains connecting the countershafts to the conveyor shafts are located directly beneath the
rear end of the engine and are readily accessible. Lightly coat all chain links with Texaco EP90 Universal Gear
Lubricant. (Also used in the paver gear cases).
(g) Track Assembly
(1) Crawler Track Link Pins - Spray fuel oil over crawler tracks when cleaning paver at the end of each
day's operation to lubricate link pins and keep them from squeaking.
(2) Paver tracks are driven from the transfer cases with heavy duty chains and sprockets, that require
cleaning and lubricating at the end of the day's operation. Remove the two rear deck plates and spray fuel oil
over the chain and sprocket using the wash-off hose from the heater fuel tank. This will normally keep the
asphaltic material soft so that it falls off during the following day's operation.
Failure to spray the chain can result in the asphaltic material building up in the chain and on the sprockets until
the chain becomes so tight it will cause the chain to break.
CAUTION: When spraying chain and
sprockets, use care not to spray the
electric clutch on transfer case.
(3) Lower roller and track roller and pivot shaft assemblies are equipped with grease fittings to lubricate the
pivot pins and each roller with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every 8 hours of operation. (See lubrication chart).
(4) Track rear sprocket or front idler - Once each year remove the fill plugs and install grease fitting. Add
Texaco Marfak O lubricant until new lubricant appears at opposite pipe plug hole. Re- move fitting and replace
both pipe lugs. (See illustrations in Maintenance Section II)
(h) Spreader Screw Bearings
All bearings for the spreader screws have grease fittings which are easily accessible and should be' lubricated
every 8 hours of operation. It is important these fittings be cleaned before lubricant is applied. Use Texaco
Marfak O lubricant. (See lubrication chart).
(i) Travel and Feed Clutches - All travel and feed clutch bearing assemblies must be disassembled and
repacked with Texaco Marfak O lubricant every season.
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