Cleaning Paver
It is extremely important that the paver be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day's operation!. A
spray nozzle with 15 foot hose is attached to the pressure side of the screed heater fuel system. This permits
the operator to reach all areas of the paver which require cleaning and lubricating.
(1) Run engine at IDLE speed.
(2) Set valve selector switch to SPRAY-DOWN
(3) Push panel circuit breaker to ON
(4) Turn junction box burner switch to ON
(5) Depress hose line valve lever
Clean all parts of the paver which come in con- tact with asphalt. The track and track rollers, hop- per, slat
conveyors, spreader screws, screed, drive chains, etc. all require cleaning at the end of each day. This holds
true even if the paver was actually used only a short time. Many paver troubles can be traced to improper
cleaning! Fuel oil on the slat conveyors and tracks provides the needed lubrication which prevents rapid wear.
The spray should reach all track link pins so that there is no squeaking as the paver moves. The slat convey-
ors should be operated during the spraying to be sure that all of the slats and chain are reached.
IMPORTANT! Keep oil spray away from all electrical boxes,
motors, generators, starters, etc. Do not spray paver when it is
parked on an asphalt mat! Move it to the side of the road
where drainage of oil and dissolved asphalt will not damage
In addition to spray cleaning of the paver the following clean up practices should be routine.
1. Check for accumulation of asphalt in the heat vent holes along the top of the moldboard.
This check can best be made by feeling the exhaust of hot air when the heater is being operated (the upper
vents become plugged when asphalt spills over the moldboard when a material level too high above the screw
is allowed to build up. Use a stiff wire to clean out accumulated asphalt.
Cleaning Paver with Screed Heater Fuel Spray Accessory
Figure 1
2. Periodically remove the screed plate as de- scribed in Screed Section 7 and clean the interior of all
asphalt, sand, and fine material. Failure to keep the inside of the screed plate clean will cause uneven
distribution of heat to the screed bottom and possible tearing of the mat surface.
Two rollers located on the front of the hopper are lubricated before assembly and require no further
lubrication. However, these rollers should be cleaned often during operation to eliminate material build-up.
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