TM 5-3895-385-23-2
Track Tension Hydraulic Cylinder Hose Installation
Figure 4. Main Hydraulic Manifold Hose.
1. Remove caps/plugs from hydraulic hoses (Figure 6, Item 1) (Figure 5, Item 1) (Figure 4, Item 2, 3, and 5) and
hydraulic fittings.
2. Route hydraulic hoses 17A and 17B (Figure 6, Items 3 and 5) through sheathing using fibrous cord.
3. Connect hydraulic hose 25 (Figure 4, Item 2) onto tee fitting (Figure 4, Item 4) and main hydraulic manifold
(Figure 4, Item 1).
4. Connect hydraulic hoses 17A and 17B (Figure 4, Items 3 and 5) onto tee fitting (Figure 4, Item 4).