TM 5-3895-385-10
This section contains information needed to perform operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
(PMCS). Illustrated steps are included to help perform these procedures easily and quickly. PMCS consists of
scheduled maintenance items used to make sure the Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) is ready for
operation at all times. Inspect the system regularly and carefully to find any defects and correct or prevent them.
PMCS is performed to keep the equipment in operating condition. The checks are used to find, correct, or report
problems. Pay attention to WARNING and CAUTION statements. A WARNING indicates the possibility of injury
or death to personnel. A CAUTION means the equipment could be damaged.
Before operation, perform Before PMCS.
During operation, perform During PMCS.
After operation, perform After PMCS.
Corrosion Definition
Component damage is caused when material has been dissolved or eaten away, especially by chemical action.
Rust Definition
Any various scaly or powdery reddish-brown or reddish-yellow materials that form on iron and iron-coated
materials in the presence of moisture, deteriorating as a result of disuse or neglect.
Any condition that causes material to be impaired or lessens the quality or value of the material.
When material is found to be split or broken, either completely or partially.
Always look for signs of problems or trouble. Most easily-fixed problems can be detected by feel, smell, or sound.
Be alert when around the BMPM.
Inspect to ensure all components are in good condition. Are they correctly assembled, stowed, or secured? Are
any components worn, corroded, or rusty? Correct any problems found or notify immediate supervisor.
There are common items that should be checked. These include the following:
Bolts, clamps, screws, and nuts: Continuously inspect for looseness. Inspect for chipped paint, bare
metal, rust, or corrosion around bolt and screw heads and nuts. Replace as necessary. Tighten hardware
as required and if tools are not available, notify immediate supervisor.
Inspect welds: Some components of the BMPM set are welded. To inspect welds, look for chipped paint,
rust, corrosion, or gaps. When these conditions are noted, notify immediate supervisor.