TM 5-3895-371-24 & P
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not
exceed 30 P.S.I. Use only with effective chip guard-
ing and personal protective equipment (goggles/shield,
gloves, etc.).
Upon reassembly, all used pistons must be returned
to their respective bores.
Examine the block assembly (30, fig. 3-20) for excessive wear or damage. Observe the
Cylinder bores that exhibit only slight burnishing of the bronze liners are accept-
able for reuse.
If the bores exhibit galling or any other irregularity in the running surface that can
be felt with the fingernail, the cylinder block must be discarded. If there is evidence that the bronze
liners have begun to pull out of the steel block, the block must also be discarded.
Examine the upper running face of the block. Circular wear patterns that cannot
be felt with the fingernail are normal.
If the block is acceptable for reuse in all other respects several passes of the block
over 500 grit emery paper on a flat lap surface is recommended to put the block face in a like-new con-
dition. If circular wear patterns can be felt with the fingernail, grind or lap the running face as necessary
to remove the wear pattern keeping the face parallel to the original face. Lap the reworked face on 500
grit emery as described above to remove the mat finish.
Clean the block thoroughly in SD-2 and blow dry with clean compressed air. Check
tolerance of refinished block outlined in figure 3-21.