TM 5-3895-371-10
Carefully pull out the rear platform override control (14, fig. 2-1) halfway and check pump tachometer
(GPM) (1) to verify that pressure is building up. Push rear platform override all the way in. Verify that
pump tachometer goes to zero
Pull up on cab override control (13). Pressure should build up on pump tachometer.
Release cab
override control and verify that pump tachometer registers zero
Turn fine control knob (11 ) clockwise as far as it will go. Push down on hydraulic control knob. Verify that
pump tachometer registers pressure. Pull up hydraulic control knob and verify that pump tachometer
registers zero.
Disengage PTO and shut down engine when finished with this check.
Distributor tank may be filled either through the manhole (1) or by pumping through filling line (7) with power supplied by
distributor. To fill tank with distributor pump, proceed as follows:
Place strainer in filling line.
When filling distributor from railroad tank car, place tank car coupling on tank car connection, screw three-
way valve onto tank car coupling, and connect filling hose to three-way valve with Morrison couplings.
Connect filling hose to connector shown in lower view of figure 2-9
Place the control levers to the following positions
Quadrant Control Lever (2) - Circulate and Fill
Intake Valve Lever (4) - Up
Butterfly Valve Lever (10) -Out (normal)
Bar Raising Lever (5) - Up
Drain Valve Lever (6) - Forward
Transfer Valve Lever (8) - Distribute
Vacu-flo Valve Lever (9) - Up
Start engine (see TM 9-2320-273-10) and engage PTO
Adjust main hydraulic control knob (10, fig. 2-1) for a 130-150 gpm reading on pump tachometer (GPM)
Observe tank gage (3, fig. 2-9), or look into manhole (1) to determine when tank is full
When tank is full, (85 gallon allowance should be made for expansion if material is to be heated in
distributor tank) shut valve at supply tank leaving the distributor running