Low Speed
1. Check for overload on the engine.
2. Defective governor. Check governor spring
ension, tight or defective throttle lever
and joints.
3. Defective engine.
High line loss. Indicated by lower voltage at
Increase size of line wiring. Might also be
the result of loose connections which will be
indicated by excessive heating at the loose
Shorted or grounded field coil. In some cases
See information for testing field circuits.
one coil only, that is shorted or grounded,
will reduce voltage to approximately one half
of rating.
Defective compound field circuit. Field
See information for testing field circuits.
connected to Rings #1 and *2.
Defective control field bridge.
See information on-testing bridge assemblies.
Excessive speed
Check governor linkage, spring tension, etc.
Governor linkage must be free from dirt & gum.
Clogged ventilating inlet and/or outlet.
Clean. Make sure interior is unobstructed.-
Excessive heat from other equipment
Construct baffle or some means to direct heat
in another direction.
Reduce load.
Poor Brush Contact: Brushes tight in holder.
Clean Brushholder. Brush should move freely
in holder.
Weak Brush Spring Tension
Brush spring tension should snap brush into
contact with ring when lifted and released.
Film on Collector Rings caused by corrosive
Clean rings with fine sandpaper during rotation.
or dirty atmosphere.
Caution: Tape sandpaper to stiff cardboard for
Defective Rectifier Bridge (See illustration
Replace defective bridge assembly. Find assem-
for method of checking bridge.)
bly number under DIODE ASSEMBLY in parts list.
Openifield circuit (See illustration for
Replace Rotor Assembly.
method for checking.)
Grounded or shorted field coil(s) (See illus-
Replace Rotor Assembly.
tration for method.)
Loss of residual magnetism. This is a condi-
See note under field assembly for procedure
tion brought about by some unusual condition.
to restore magnetism.
It will always occur after disassembly.
Defective Stator:
Shorted winding. This can be identified by the
use of a "growler" at a competent rewinding
Replace the Stator. See illustration for
Grounded winding. Check by test lamp from
stator winding to frame
and serial number on the order.)
Open winding circuit. Check all circuits for