The information in this manual covers revolving field type alternators using static excitation. This type of excitation will
be discussed in detail in later paragraphs of this manual. The information contained should be studied carefully and the
instruction book kept at hand for ready reference. Read very carefully the paragraphs on proper use and maintenance.
The equipment described is the result of careful engineering design and manufacturing techniques. It has been
thoroughly inspected and tested before shipment. Carefully inspect on delivery for evidence of shipping damage. If
damage has occurred it should be noted on the freight bill in order that acclaim can be filed to recover the cost of the
damage. If the damage appears to be of a major nature, the fault should be corrected before using.
If you wish to contact your dealer or the factory, make sure you mention the model and serial number as listed on the
Winpower alternators are designed to deliver voltage and current identical to that of a normal power line. Equipment that
can be operated on normal power can also be operated by the alternator, provided the capacity of the alternator is not
exceeded. It should be remembered that the power line, for all practical purposes, is backed by an unlimited generator.
Promptly fill in and return the guarantee card enclosed in the front of the manual.
The alternator is a revolving field type, using a static system for excitation and control of the voltage regulation. The
section below describes the static excitation. The rotor in a two pole machine must revolve at 3600 RPM for 60 hertz
current and at 3000 RPM for 50 hertz. Frequency varies in direct relation to the speed of rotation. The governor of the
driving engine or tractor will therefore determine the variation in frequency. An unstable governor or
one that droops in speed excessively under load will result in excessive frequency variation. A droop at 5% in speed will
result in a frequency variation of 3 hertz. This variation is of little consequence for most equipment to be powered. The
driving engine should have sufficient power to maintain speed under load. The best of governors cannot control an
overloaded engine.
The word "static" means without motion; thus, the term "static excited" means that the control system which provides the
current for the electro-magnetic field is provided without the use of an out-moded revolving DC armature. Commutators
and commutator brushes with the inherent problem of sparking and maintenance are eliminated. The use of a
mechanical voltage regulator with vibrating or multiple moving contacts is also eliminated.