Should be 12 VDC from 45 to 3.
Screed does not go up
Screed lift switch held in UP position
Voltage checks:
(1) 63 to 3 - defective switch
(2) 63 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil
Screed does not go down
Screed lift switch held in DOWN position
Voltage checks:
(1) 64 to 3 - defective switch
(2) 64 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil
Hopper Wings do not go up
Hopper wing switch in UP position
Voltage checks:
(1) 65 to 3 - defective switch
(2) 65 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil
Hopper Wings do not go down
Hopper wing switch held in DOWN position.
Voltage checks:
(1) 66 to 3 - defective switch
(2) 66 to 3 at solenoid - open wire to solenoid - if present, check for defective solenoid coil
Burner Motor and Pulsator do not run
Burner breaker ON. Burner-spray down switch in BURNER position.
Voltage checks:
(1) 115 to 3 - defective burner breaker or wiring from meter box
(2) 116 to 3 - defective burner switch
(3) Check for good ground on entire system
Burner motor checkout (motor does not run)
Voltage checks:
(a) 116 to 3 at motor - open motor cable
(b) Check for defective burner motor
Pulsator checkout (No spark across ignitor points)
Points adjusted properly. High tension lead from coil to one point in place.
Voltage checks:
(a) 118 to 3 - defective burner switch
(b) 119 to 3 - if the same as 118 to 3 - pulsator is not working. If no voltage is present - check coil
resistance (1.5 ohm)-if coil is okay, make sure wire 119is not grounded. If not - replace pulsator.
No fuel at nozzle of burner
Check for 12 VDC at fuel oil solenoid (Wire #118). If present, check for defective solenoid. If solenoid is working
check for defective fuel pump.
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