TM 5-3895-373-342.5.1MalfunctionSymptomIndex.The malfunction symptom index is a reference list of thetroubleshooting tables. Refer to the malfunctionsymptom index before troubleshooting. Each systemand its faults are listed in the order they appear in thetroubleshooting tables. To find the correct test orinspection procedure, refer to the system and itssymptom. A troubleshooting procedure reference islisted for each symptom. Refer to the correct procedurein the troubleshooting tables.Malfunction Symptom IndexTROUBLESHOOTINGTABLEEngine.............................................................. 2-1Engine fails to start or fails to start easilyLow power output, excessive fuel consumption/blackexhaust, or misfiringBlue or white exhaustLow oil pressureHigh oil pressureEngine knockingRough or erratic running/excessive engine vibrationOverheatingPoor compressionTracktension ..................................................... 2-2Track fails to maintain operating tensionTrack fails to maintain correct tension (in reverse only)Auxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylindercircuits faultyPropulsionsystem ............................................. 2-3Track fails to move or moves sluggishlyTrack fails to move at either travel or pave speedTrack moves one direction onlyMistrackingNo hydraulic functionsTowpoint.......................................................... 2-4Tow point lift cylinders do not operateOne tow point lift cylinder fails to operateAuxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylindercircuits faultyScreedlift......................................................... 2-5Screed fails to liftScreed fails to lowerScreed fails to maintain positionAuxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylindercircuits faultyHopperlift......................................................... 2-6Hopper fails to operateOne hopper wing fails to operateHopper wing fails to remain in raised positionAuxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylindercircuits faultyAuger/conveyor ................................................. 2-7Auger/conveyor does not operate or operates sluggishlyAuger/conveyor operates continuouslyVibration ............................................................ 2-8Vibrators fail to operate or operate sluggishlyExtension screed vibrators fail to operateVibrator runs continuouslyAuxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylindercircuits faultyVibration pump hydraulic supply faultyAuxiliaryScreedextension................................ 2-9Screed extension fails to operateOne screed extension function fails to operateAuxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylindercircuits faulty2-4
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