TM 5-3895-373-34
Malfunction Symptom Index.
The malfunction symptom index is a reference list of the
symptom index before troubleshooting. Each system
and its faults are listed in the order they appear in the
troubleshooting tables. To find the correct test or
inspection procedure, refer to the system and its
symptom. A troubleshooting procedure reference is
listed for each symptom. Refer to the correct procedure
in the troubleshooting tables.
Malfunction Symptom Index
Engine .............................................................. 2-1
Engine fails to start or fails to start easily
Low power output, excessive fuel consumption/black
exhaust, or misfiring
Blue or white exhaust
Low oil pressure
High oil pressure
Engine knocking
Rough or erratic running/excessive engine vibration
Poor compression
Track tension ..................................................... 2-2
Track fails to maintain operating tension
Track fails to maintain correct tension (in reverse only)
Auxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylinder
circuits faulty
Propulsion system ............................................. 2-3
Track fails to move or moves sluggishly
Track fails to move at either travel or pave speed
Track moves one direction only
No hydraulic functions
Tow point .......................................................... 2-4
Tow point lift cylinders do not operate
One tow point lift cylinder fails to operate
Auxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylinder
circuits faulty
Screed lift ......................................................... 2-5
Screed fails to lift
Screed fails to lower
Screed fails to maintain position
Auxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylinder
circuits faulty
Hopper lift ......................................................... 2-6
Hopper fails to operate
One hopper wing fails to operate
Hopper wing fails to remain in raised position
Auxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylinder
circuits faulty
Auger/conveyor ................................................. 2-7
Auger/conveyor does not operate or operates sluggishly
Auger/conveyor operates continuously
Vibration ............................................................ 2-8
Vibrators fail to operate or operate sluggishly
Extension screed vibrators fail to operate
Vibrator runs continuously
Auxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylinder
circuits faulty
Vibration pump hydraulic supply faulty
Auxiliary Screed extension................................ 2-9
Screed extension fails to operate
One screed extension function fails to operate
Auxiliary hydraulic supply to vibration and cylinder
circuits faulty