TM 5-3895-373-34E.ASSEMBLE - Continued.3.REASSEMBLE PISTON ROD.Do not clamp piston rod against metal jawsin vise. Use vise jaw caps between vise jawsand piston rod. Damage to chrome surfaceof piston rod can result.a.Clamp piston rod (3) in a bench vise onsquare end. Pad vise jaws with vise jawcaps.New seals and preformed packings aredistorted during installation. Allow aminimum of one hour for seals andpreformed packings to conform to originalshape before installing cylinder head andpiston on rod. Bypass leakage can resultfrom poor installation.b.Allow one hour for seals and preformedpackings to conform to original shape.Hydraulic oil can be moderately flammableand can be an irritant to the skin, eyes, andrespiratory system. Avoid prolongedexposure. Eye protection and rubber glovesmust be worn when working with hydraulicoil.c.Lubricate piston, cylinder head, andpreformed packing with clean hydraulic oil.d.Install cylinder head (1) onto piston rod (3).Slide cylinder head down length of pistonrod.Be careful not to damage preformedpackings when sliding over threads. Sharpedges of threads can cut or damagepreformed packings. Damaged preformedpackings will cause leakage and affectperformance.e.Install preformed packing (7) onto pistonrod. Ensure preformed packing seats ingroove on rod (3).f.Slide piston (5) onto piston rod (3).g.Have a second person support unclampedend of the piston rod and install self-lockinghex nut (6) onto threaded end of rod.Tighten to 200 lb-ft (271 N•m) using socketwrench adapter.h.Remove piston rod from bench vise.GO TO NEXT PAGE2-1045
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