Engine Equipment
in a 16 quart (15 liters) reservoir or 21 quarts (20 liters) in a 23 quart (22 liters) reservoir.
NOTE: When the accumulator is charged to 3000 psi (20 670 kPa) and all hoses are filled, there should
be enough hydraulic fluid remaining in the reservoir to completely cover the screen in the bottom of the
A by-pass valve is located on the inlet side of the hand pump. Loosen the lock nut and rotate this valve approximately
one turn counterclockwise with a screw driver. Operate the hand pump for 12 to 15 complete strokes. Do not pump too
rapidly. Close the by-pass valve tightly and tighten the lock nut.
Move the starter control lever to engage the pinion with the flywheel and open the control valve. While holding the
lever in this position, operate the hand pump until the starter has turned several revolutions. Close the control valve.
Loosen the swivel hose fitting at the discharge side of the engine-driven pump about two turns. Operate the hand pump
to force air out until oil begins to appear at the loose fitting. Tighten the swivel hose fitting and pressurize the system
with the hand pump sufficiently to start the engine.
Perform the initial starting instructions under Preparation for Starting Engine First Time. Then, with the engine
running at least 1500 rpm, purge the engine-driven pump of air. Break the hose connection at the discharge side of the
engine driven-pump until a full stream of oil is discharged from the pump. Connect the hose to the pump and alternately
loosen and tighten the swivel fitting on the discharge hose until the oil leaking out, when the fitting is loose, appears to
be free of air bubbles. Tighten the fitting securely and observe the pressure gage. The pressure should rise rapidly to
the accumulator precharge pressure (1250 psi or 10 413 kPa at 70F or 21C), then increase slowly, reaching 2900 to
3300 psi (19 981 to 22 737 kPa).
After the pressure has stabilized near 3000 psi (20 670 kPa), examine all of the high pressure hoses, connections
and fittings for leaks.
4. The engine-driven pump must by-pass oil to the reservoir when the accumulator pressure reaches 2900 to 3300 psi
(19 981 to 22-737 kPa). To determine whether the pump by-pass valve is operating properly, remove the reservoir filler
cap, disconnect the pump by-pass hose at the reservoir, and hold the hose over the open reservoir filler spout. An
occasional spurt of oil may be emitted from the hose prior to by-passing. When the by-pass valve opens, a full and
continuous stream of oil will flow from the hose. Reconnect the hose to the reservoir and install the filler cap.
Fill the reservoir to the proper level.
The hydrostarter remote control system may be purged of air as follows:
Fill the master cylinder with fuel oil.
Loosen the hose fitting at the hydrostarter control valve.
Actuate the master cylinder pedal until all of the air is discharged from the system and a solid stream of fuel oil is
being discharged with each stroke.
NOTE: Replenish the fluid in the master cylinder as required during the purging operation.
Tighten the hose fitting and check for leaks.
Inspect the system periodically for leaks. Primarily, examine the high pressure hoses, connections, fittings and the
control valve on the starter. Make certain that the oil level in the reservoir is sufficient to completely cover the screen at
the bottom of the tank. Make this check after the accumulator is charged and the engine driven pump is by-passing oil to
the reservoir. Every 2000 hours, or as conditions warrant, drain the reservoir and remove the screen. Flush out the
reservoir and clean the screen and filler cap. Then reinstall the screen. Remove the bowl and element from the filter in
the engine-driven pump supply hose. Wash the bowl and element in clean fuel oil and reassemble the filter. Release
the pressure and drain the remaining hydraulic fluid from the system by disconnecting the hoses from the hydrostarter
components. Then reconnect all of the hydraulic hoses.
WARNING: The oil pressure in the system must be released prior to servicing the hydrostarter motor or
other components to prevent possible injury to personnel or equipment.
NOTE: Make sure all hoses and fittings are clean before any connections are made.
Fill the hydrostarter system with new clean fluid.
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