TM 5-3895-373-10Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services forBituminous Material Paving Machine - ContinuedLocationItemItem ToNot Fully MissionNo.IntervalCheck/ServiceProcedureCapable If:CONTROLCONSOLE6DuringGauge panelPerform machine startup per paragraph 2.10.A malfunction/deficiency isInspect gauge panel for damage,observed during operation,unserviceable instruments, and broken glass.which would damage theMonitor instrumentation regularly for properequipment if operationfunction of all systems.were continueda. Engine oil pressure: 10 psi (0,9 bar)Engine oil pressure gaugeminimum at low idle; 30 to 100 psiis inoperative or oil(2,6 to 8,6 bar) at high idle.pressure is below 10 psi(0,9 bar) at low idle andbelow 30 psi (2,6 bar) athigh idle; or if oil pressureis above 100 psi (8,6 bar)at high idleb. Hydraulic oil temperature: 100° toHydraulic oil temperature250°F (37° to 121°C).gauge is inoperative orhydraulic oil temperatureis above 200°F to 220°F(76° to 104°C) for notmore than one hourc. Engine coolant temperature: 100° toWater temperature gauge250°F (37° to 121°C).inoperative or enginecoolant temperature isabove 220°F (76°C)7DuringWork lights, panel Check for proper operation.During night operations,lights, indicatorboth hopper work lights,lights, etc.rear screed work lights oreither auger work lightsfail to operate2-17
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