TM 5-3895-371-24 & P
Often, large scratches on the piston shoe running sur-
face will heal over if placed back in service. It is
recommended however, that all piston shoes with
badly scratched running surfaces be either reworked
within tolerance limits or replaced.
Inspect steel piston body. If any galling is apparent or if any irregularities can be felt,
the piston must be discarded. If damage is present, check corresponding cylinder block (23, fig. 3-60)
bore for similar damage. (Refer to fig. 3-83.)
Dynapower units may be encountered with either two
groove or three groove piston. (Refer to fig. 3-84.)
Units supplied from the factory with two groove pistons
may be fitted with three groove pistons as a nine piece
set only. In a like manner, units supplied with two groove
pistons may be refitted with three groove pistons again
only as a nine piece set. Two groove and three groove
pistons must not be mixed in the same unit.
Figure 3-83. Inspecting Piston Body.
TA 075956