TM 5-3895-356-14&P
a. General. The E. D. Etnyre & Co., Inc.
h. Material Storage Tank
Bituminous Distributor, Model MIL-D60 consists of a
Capacity ............................... 1500 gal (gallons)
storage tank with a low pressure heating system, and
Overage for expansion.................................9%
hydraulic-powered pumping unit and an adjustable spray
Manhole. ................................ 20 inch diameter
bar for distributing bituminous material. The equipment
Overflow .......................................... 3 inch pipe
is mounted on a truck (fig. 1) It is normally operated by a
Tank gage .......................................Mechanical
crew of two men; a driver in the truck cab and an
Float Type
operator stationed on the rear platform.
Thermometer ...............Armored Pencil 600 F.
b. Material Storage Tank.
The 1633 gallon
capacity storage tank is elliptical in shape and Is made of
i. Spray Bar
welded steel. It contains a surge plate which prevents
Length of Center Section ......................... 8 foot
sudden shifting of contents and also supports the heating
Length of Extensions .............. 1 foot and 2 feet
flues. The flues are securely supported by the surge
Total 24 feet
plate to eliminate vibration and allow for expansion and
contraction. Insulation consisting of 2" fibrous glass
j. Nozzles
material prevents loss of heat.
Type ............................................................Fan
c. Heating System. The storage tank heating
Thread.............................................. 1/2" N.P T
system consists of two low-pressure atomizing burners.
Slot ....................................................... 1/8 inch
They are mounted at the rear of the tank with ignition
Spacing .................................................. .4 inch
tiles located in the heating flues The burners are
supplied with combustion air and fuel by a combination
k. Bituminous Pump Data
burner blower and burner fuel pump which is operated
Make ..............................E D Etnyre & Co., Inc.
through a clutch driven by a V-belt from the PTO drive
Model ...................................................... P 1ST
line. A hand clutch disengages the blower when the
Operating Pressure ................................. 20 psi
burners are not m operation.
Output Capacity .................................. 400 gpm
d. Power Unit. Hydrostatic transmission, consisting
l. Burner System
1. Pump Infinitely variable displacement pump with
a minimum displacement of 4 5 cubic inches per
Fuel Consumption
revolution, axial piston type
(maximum operation) 12 gal. per hr.
2. Motor Fixed displacement motor with a minimum
Fuel Consumption
displacement of 4.83 cubic inches, axial piston
(minimum operation) 1-1/2 gal. per hr.
(3/4 gal. per hr. each burner)
e. Bituminous Pump. This heavy duty gear type
pump is covered by a housing and is driven by a
m. Capacities
hydrostatic transmission through a double univeral joint
Fuel tank, burner .................................... 36 gal.
with overload protection The pump has a delivery
Material storage tank ......................... 1633 gal.
capacity of 400 gallons per minute, and supplies material
Portable burner tank ................................ 4 gal.
to the 24 foot spray bar with sufficient pressure to
produce an even, fan-like spray from all nozzles at any
specified rate between 0.10 gallons and I 0
n. Dimensions and Weights- Distributor and Truck
per square yard.
Overall length .................................. 335 inches
f. Hand Spray A hand spray gun and hose are
Overall width ..................................... 97 inches
provided for the operator to spray small areas, and areas
Overall height .................................. 116 inches
which are inaccessible with the spray bar
Net weight, empty ............................ 26,000 lbs
g. Burners
Net weight, filled ............................... 39,000 lbs
Manufacture . ..........................Hauck Mfg. Co.
Shipping volume............................... 2,181 cu/ft
Model No.............. ........................ ............580A
Shipping tonnage .................................. 13 tons
Type................... Low Pressure atom izing type