3-4. Requisitioning Repair Parts .
a. Using Units/Organizations: Requisitions (DA Form 2765 Series) will be prepare(d according to AR 710-2 and
local command directives. Units in CONUS will use Project Code "BGW" In block 19. Units OCONUS will enter in block
19 Project Code "JZC", see Appendix H.
b. Support Units and Activities:
(1) General: All MILSTRIP requisitions (DD Form 1348 Series) prepared for repair parts support will include
distribution and Project Codes, see Appendixes I, J, and K.
(2) Distribution Code: Supply customers in CONUS will use code "F" in card column 54. Customers OCONUS
will use the appropriate code from Appendix P, Paragraph P-31(1) AR 725.50.
(3) Project Codes: The applicable Project Code will be entered in card columns 57-59 of requisitions for NSN
parts, whether CONUS or OCONUS customers. Project Code "BGW1" will be used by CONUS customers when
requisitioning part numbered parts. Supply customers OCONUS will use Project Code "JZC" for part numbered parts.
3-5. Submitting Requisitions .
a. Using Units and Organizations will submit DA Form 2765 Series requisitions to designated support units or
activities in accordance with local procedures.
b. Support units and activities will forward MILSTRIP requisitions for NSN parts through the Defense Automated
Addressing System (DAAS) to the managing Supply Support Activity. Requisitions for part numbered part will lie
forwarded through DAAS to the Defense Construction Supply Center (DCSC).
NOTE: When the manufacturer's part number and Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) exceed the space in
card columns 8 through 22 of A02/AOB requisitions, prepare an A05/AOE requisition (DD Form 1348-6) and mail it to
Commander, Defense Construction Supply Center, ATTN: DCSC-OSR, Columbus, Ohio 43215.