Owner Assistance
The satisfaction and goodwill of the owners of Detroit Diesel engines are of primary concern to the Detroit Diesel Allison
Division, its distributors and their dealers.
As an owner of a Detroit Diesel engine, you have a complete network of over 2300 Detroit Diesel Allison Distributors and
Dealers in the U.S. and Canada, plus many outlets worldwide that are prepared and anxious to meet your parts and
service needs:
Expert service by trained personnel.
Emergency service 24 hours a day.
Complete parts support, including reliabilt components.
Sales teams to help determine your power requirements.
Product information and literature.
We recognize, however, that despite the best intentions of everyone concerned, misunderstandings may occur.
Normally, any such situation that arises in connection with the sale, operation or service of your engine will be handled by
the distributor or dealer in your area (check the Yellow Pages for the Detroit Diesel Allison Service Outlet nearest you).
To further assure your complete satisfaction, we have developed the following three-step procedure to be followed
in the event you have a problem that has not been handled satisfactorily.
Step One - Discuss your problem with a member of management from the distributorship or dealership.
Frequently, complaints are the result of a breakdown in communication and can quickly be resolved by a member of
management. If you have already discussed the problem with the Sales or Service Manager, contact the General
Manager. If your problem originates with a dealer, explain the matter to a management member of the distributorship
with whom the dealer has his service agreement.
Step Two - When it appears that your problem cannot readily be resolved at the distributor level without additional
assistance, contact the Detroit Diesel Allison Regional Office nearest you listed below:
Eastern Region
Southeastern Region
Suite 202
5730 Glenridge Drive, N.E.
10 Parsonage Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
Edison, New Jersey 08817
Phone: (404) 252-3310
Phone: (201) 246-5074
Regional Manager: L. R. Kirby
Regional Manager: S. F. Zappia
Service Manager: B. D. Robison, Jr.
Service Manager: D. P. Friedrich
Great Lakes Region
Midwestern Region
Garrison Place
Suite 618
19855 Outer Drive
2021 Spring Road
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
Oak Brook, Illinois 60521
Phone: (313) 565-0411
Phone: (312) 654-6619
Regional Manager: A. W. Christy
Regional Manager: C. O. Zimmerman
Service Manager: R. Schwaller
Service Manager: T. F. Chope
Southwestern Region
Northwestern Region
Suite 130
Suite 250
2655 Villa Creek Drive
20380 Town Center Lane
Dallas, Texas 75234
Cupertino, California 95014
Phone: (214) 241-7721
Phone: (408) 255-7700
Regional Manager: F. A. Skells
Regional Manager: W. C. Edwards
Service Manager: W. C. Kaphengst
Service Manager: J. P. Miles
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