CAUTION: Do not apply oil, grease or any wax base compound to the flywheel. The cast iron will absorb
these substances which can "sweat" out during operation and cause the clutch to slip.
21. Drain the engine cooling system.
22. The oil may be drained from the engine crankcase if so desired. If the oil is drained, reinstall and tighten the drain
23. Remove and clean the battery and battery cables with a baking soda solution and rinse them with fresh water. Do
not allow the soda solution to enter the battery. Add distilled water to the electrolyte, if necessary, and fully charge the
battery. Store the battery in a cool (never below 32 F or 0C) dry place. Keep the battery fully charged and check the
level and the specific gravity of the electrolyte regularly.
24. Insert heavy paper strips between the pulleys and belts to prevent sticking.
25. Seal all of the openings in the engine, including the exhaust outlet, with moisture resistant tape. Use cardboard,
plywood or metal covers where practical.
26. Clean and dry the exterior painted surfaces of the engine. Spray the surfaces with a suitable liquid automobile body
wax, a synthetic resin varnish or a rust preventive compound.
27. Cover the engine with a good weather-resistant tarpaulin or other cover if it must be stored outdoors. A clear plastic
cover is recommended for indoor storage. The stored engine should be inspected periodically. If there are any
indications of rust or corrosion, corrective steps must be taken to prevent damage to the engine parts. Perform a
complete inspection at the end of one year and apply additional treatment as required.
1. Remove the covers and tape from all of the openings of the engine, fuel tank, and electrical equipment. Do not
2. Wash the exterior of the engine with fuel oil to remove the rust preventive.
3. Remove the rust preventive from the flywheel.
4. Remove the paper strips from between the pulleys and the belts.
5. Remove the drain plug and drain the preservative oil from the crankcase. Re-install the drain plug. Then refer to
Lubrication System in the Operating Instructions and fill the crankcase to the proper level with the recommended grade of
lubricating oil.
6. Fill the fuel tank with the fuel specified under Diesel Fuel Oil Specifications.
7. Close all of the drain cocks and fill the engine cooling system with clean soft water and a rust inhibitor. If the engine
is to be exposed to freezing temperatures, add a high boiling point type antifreeze solution to the cooling system (the
antifreeze contains a rust inhibitor).
8. Install and connect the battery.
9. Service the air cleaner as outlined under Air System.
Prepare the generator for starting as outlined under Operating Instructions.
Check the Marine gear; refill it to the proper level, as necessary, with the correct grade of lubricating oil.
a. Remove the tape from the breather and all of the openings.
b. Remove all of the preservative grease with a suitable solvent.
c. Start the engine and operate the unit until the temperature reaches 150F (66C). Drain the preservative oil
and remove the filter. Start the engine and stall the converter for twenty seconds at 1000 rpm to scavenge
the oil from the converter.
CAUTION: A Torqmatic converter containing preservative oil should only be operated enough to bring the
oil temperature up to 150F (66 0 C).
d. Install the drain plug and a new filter element.
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