CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONPREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTTable 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms -- Continued.Table 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms -- Continued.Table 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms -- Continued.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. BMPM Components -- Right-Front View.Table 1. BMPM Components -- Right-Front View.Figure 2. BMPM Components -- Right-Rear View.Table 2. BMPM Components -- Right-Rear View.Figure 3. BMPM Components -- Left-Rear View.Table 3. BMPM Components -- Left-Rear View.Figure 4. BMPM Components -- Left-Front View.Table 4. BMPM Components -- Left-Front View.Table 5. Equipment Data.Table 5. Equipment Data -- Continued.THEORY OF OPERATIONFigure 1. BMPM Screed -- Left Side (Extended).Figure 2. Sonic Auger Sensors.Figure 3. Hopper Assembly.Hydraulic SystemsFigure 4. Auger With Cutoff Opened.Figure 5. Hydraulic Truck Hitch.Figure 6. Self-Tensioning Drive Track.Figure 7. Hydrostatic Drive Torque Hub.Figure 8. Bolt-On Screed Extension.DiagnosticsPaving Operations CHAPTER 2. OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR BITUMINOUS MATERIAL PAVING MACHINE (BMPM)DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORSFigure 1. Left Control Pedestal Joysticks, EMERGENCY STOP, Run/Stop.Table 1. Left Control Pedestal Joysticks, EMERGENCY STOP, Run/Stop.Figure 2. Right Control Pedestal Joysticks, EMERGENCY STOP, Run/Stop.Figure 3. Keyless Engine Switch.Figure 4. Left or Right Control Pedestal Beacon Keypad.Table 4. Left or Right Control Pedestal Beacon Keypad -- Continued.Figure 5. Left Control Pedestal Horn Keypad.Table 5. Left Control Pedestal Horn Keypad.Figure 6. Right Control Pedestal Horn Keypad.Table 6. Right Control Pedestal Horn Keypad -- Continued.Figure 7. Left Control Pedestal Lights Keypad.Table 7. Left Control Pedestal Lights Keypad -- Continued.Figure 8. Right Control Pedestal Lights Keypad.Table 8. Right Control Pedestal Lights Keypad Figure 9. Engine Screen Buttons.Figure 10. Engine Screen Indicators.Figure 11. Fault Light Cluster.Table 11. Fault Light Cluster.Figure 12. Pavers Screen Buttons.Table 12. Pavers Screen Buttons.Figure 13. Pavers Screen Indicators.Table 13. Pavers Screen Indicators Figure 14. Password Screen Buttons.Figure 15. Time Adjust Screen Buttons.Figure 16. Fault Screen 1, 2, or 3.Figure 17. Active Engine Fault Screen.Figure 18. Inactive Engine Fault Screen.Table 18. Inactive Engine Fault Screen Buttons and Indicators.Figure 19. Left Screed Control Auger/Conveyor Keypad.Table 19. Left Screed Control Auger/Conveyor Keypad -- Continued.Figure 20. Right Screed Control Auger/Conveyor Keypad.Table 20. Right Screed Control Auger/Conveyor Keypad -- Continued.Figure 21. Left Screed Control Horn Keypad.Table 21. Left Screed Control Horn Keypad -- Continued.Figure 22. Right Screed Control Horn Keypad.Table 22. Right Screed Control Horn Keypad Figure 23. Screed Electric Heat Box.Figure 24. Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir Temperature and Liquid Sight Indicator.Figure 25. BATTERY DISCONNECT Switch.Figure 26. Screed Crown Gauge.Figure 27. Vibration Control Knob.Figure 28. Flight Screw.PREPARATION FOR USEPREPARATION FOR USE PAVING AREA 8 TO 16 FEET WIDEPREPARATION FOR USE PAVING AREA 17 TO 20 FEET WIDEOPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 1. Control Pedestal -- Starting the Engine.STARTING THE ENGINE Figure 2. Control Pedestal -- Stopping the Engine.STOPPING THE ENGINE Figure 3. Raise and Lower Screed.RAISING AND LOWERING SCREED -- CONTINUED.Figure 5. Auger Raise and Lower.Figure 6. Control Pedestal -- Auger Height.Figure 7. Cutoffs Open and Closed.Figure 8. Screed Control -- Cutoff Adjust.Figure 9. Screed Extensions.Figure 10. Screed Control -- Screed Extension.Figure 11. Control Pedestal -- Driving the BMPM.DRIVING THE BMPM -- CONTINUED.Figure 12. Sonic Auger Sensor Mount.REMOVING SONIC AUGER SENSORFigure 13. Screed Electric Heat Box.USING SCREED ELECTRIC HEAT BOX -- CONTINUED.Figure 14. Truck Hitch Attachment.Figure 15. Control Pedestal -- Truck Hitch.Figure 16. Hopper Wings.OPERATING HOPPER -- CONTINUED.Figure 18. Screed Control -- Automatic Pile Height.Figure 19. Flight Screw.Figure 20. Screed Control -- Manual Pile Height.Figure 21. Screed Control -- Conveyor Speed.Figure 22. Screed Control -- Tow Point Hydraulic Cylinder.Figure 23. Tow Point Hydraulic Cylinder Gauge.Figure 24. Vertical Adjustment Screws.Figure 25. Attack Angle Adjustment Screw.Figure 26. Screed Extension Slope.Figure 27. Screed Control -- Slope Adjust.Figure 28. End Gate.Figure 29. Material Crown and Valley.Figure 30. Screed Crown Top Bar Bolts.Figure 31. Screed Control -- Crown Adjust.Figure 32. Screed Crown Gauge.Figure 33. Seat Slide Assembly.Figure 34. Seat Slide Assembly.Figure 35. Screed Locking Pin.Figure 36. Control Pedestal -- Spraydown.Figure 37. Spraydown Hose.Figure 38. Spraydown Areas.SPRAYDOWN PROCEDURES -- CONTINUED.OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSINTERIM CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, AND NUCLEAR (CBRN) DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURESEMERGENCY PROCEDURESFigure 1. NATO Slave Receptacle.NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) SLAVE RECEPTACLE START OPERATION -- CONTINUEDFigure 2. EMERGENCY STOP Switch.OFFLOADING RESIDUAL PAVING MATERIALFigure 3. Fuel Priming.Figure 4. Track Brake Override.Figure 5. Fuse -- Location.Table 1. Fuse Amperage Rating.Figure 6. Fuse.STOWAGE AND DATA PLATE/DECAL LOCATIONFigure 1. Data and Instruction Plates, Right Side.Figure 2. Data and Instruction Plates, Left Side.Figure 3. IUID Plates, Left Side.Figure 4. IUID Plates, Bottom Side.Figure 5. IUID Plates, Engine.Figure 6. Lift and Tie Down Decals.Table 7. Screed Extension Decals.Figure 8. Measurement Decals.Figure 9. Screed Decals.Figure 10. Operator Platform Decals, Left Side.Figure 11. Operator Platform Decals, Right Side.Figure 12. Bolt-On Screed Extensions.Figure 13. Auger Extensions Labels.Figure 14. Retaining Plates Stamps.CHAPTER 3. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING INDEXTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTable 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.Table 1. Bituminous Material Paving Machine (BMPM) Troubleshooting Procedures -- Continued.CHAPTER 4. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BITUMINOUS MATERIAL PAVING MACHINE (BMPM)PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONCLEANING AND LUBRICATIONEXPLANATION OF THE COLUMNS FOUND IN THE PMCS TABLEPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions.Figure 2. Operator Platform.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Figure 3. Screed.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Figure 24. Conveyor Chains.Figure 25. Engine Compartment.Figure 26. Right Track Wear.Figure 27. Right Track.Figure 28. Side Right Plate and Spraydown Hose.Figure 29. Right Cutoff and Auger.Figure 30. Right End Gate.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Instructions -- Continued.END GATE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATIONFigure 1. End Gate.Figure 2. Screed Extension.Figure 3. Screed Extension.Figure 4. End Gate.END GATE INSTALLATION BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT REMOVAL AND INSTALLATIONFigure 1. Retaining Plate Extension -- Removal.BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT REMOVAL -- CONTINUED.Figure 2. Bolt-On Auger Extension -- Removal.BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT REMOVAL -- CONTINUED.Figure 3. Bolt-On Screed Extension -- Removal.BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT REMOVAL -- CONTINUED.Figure 4. Bolt-On Screed Extension -- Installation.BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT INSTALLATION -- CONTINUED.Figure 5. Bolt-On Auger Extension -- Installation.BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT INSTALLATION -- CONTINUED.Figure 6. Retaining Plate Extension -- Installation.BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT INSTALLATION -- CONTINUED.CUTOFF SHOE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATIONFigure 1. Cutoff Shoe.CUTOFF SHOES REMOVAL CUTOFF SHOES INSTALLATION -- CONTINUED.FUELING SYSTEM SERVICEFigure 1. Engine Screen.Check Fuel Level from Initial Startup Screen -- Continued.Figure 2. Fuel Tank Cap -- Removal.Fill Fuel Tank -- Continued.Figure 3. Fuel Filter.Service Fuel Filter -- Continued.ENGINE SERVICEFigure 1. Engine.Figure 2. Engine Oil Dipstick.Figure 3. Engine Lubricating Oil Fill.Add Engine Lubricating Oil -- Continued.Figure 4. Engine Oil Dipstick.Figure 5. Engine Lubricating Oil Fill.Check Double Hydraulic Pump Drive Lubricating Oil LevelFigure 6. Double Hydraulic Pump Drive Dipstick.Figure 7. Double Hydraulic Pump Drive Dipstick.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SERVICEFigure 1. Temperature and Liquid Sight Indicator.Check Hydraulic Fluid Level -- Continued.Figure 2. Access Plate.Figure 3. Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir Cap, Spring, and Filter Element.Figure 4. Temperature and Liquid Sight Indicator.Figure 5. Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir Cap, Spring, and Filter Element.Figure 6. Hydraulic Reservoir Cap Access Panel.CLEANER SYSTEM SERVICEFigure 1. Cleaner Solution Fill Port.Add Cleaner Solution AIR FILTER PRIMARY ELEMENT REMOVAL, SERVICE, AND INSTALLATIONFigure 1. Left Side Cover Vent.Figure 2. Air Cleaner Assembly.Air Filter Primary Element ServiceFigure 3. Left Side Cover Vent.COOLING SYSTEM SERVICEFigure 1. Cooling System -- Service.Add Engine Coolant to RadiatorPACKAGINGFigure 1. Screed Extension Kit Panels -- Removal.UNPACKING BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT, CUTOFF SHOES, AND END GATES -- CONTINUED.Figure 2. Bolt-On Screed Extension -- Removal.UNPACKING BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT, CUTOFF SHOES, AND END GATES -- CONTINUED.Figure 3. End Gates -- Removal.UNPACKING BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT, CUTOFF SHOES, AND END GATES -- CONTINUED.Figure 4. End Gates -- Installation.UNPACKING BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT, CUTOFF SHOES, AND END GATES -- CONTINUED.PACKING BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT, CUTOFF SHOES, AND END GATES -- CONTINUED.Figure 5. Bolt-On Screed Extension -- Installation.PACKING BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT, CUTOFF SHOES, AND END GATES -- CONTINUED.Figure 6. Screed Extension Kit Panels -- Installation.UNPACKING BOLT-ON SCREED EXTENSION KIT, CUTOFF SHOES, AND END GATES -- CONTINUED.PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTLEVEL A REMOVE FROM STORAGELEVEL B REMOVE FROM STORAGECHAPTER 5. TRANSPORT PROCEDURES FOR BITUMINOUS MATERIAL PAVING MACHINE (BMPM)PREPARATION FOR TRANSPORT INTRODUCTIONFigure 1. Front Lifting Point Access Covers.CLOSE FRONT LIFTING POINT ACCESS COVERSFigure 2. BMPM Lifting Points.Figure 3. BMPM Tie Down Points.Figure 4. Fume Vent.RAISING FUME VENTHIGHWAY TRANSPORTLOADING BMPM ONTO TRAILERFigure 1. Hopper Wing Strap Points.Figure 2. BMPM Ramp Loading.UNLOADING BMPM FROM TRAILERFigure 3. BMPM Ramp Unloading.Figure 4. Hopper Wing Strap Points.RAIL TRANSPORTLOADING BMPM ONTO FLATCARFigure 1. Hopper Wing Strap Points.Figure 2. BMPM Ramp Loading/Unloading.UNLOADING BMPM FROM FLATCARFigure 3. Hopper Wing Strap Points.MARINE TRANSPORT (ROLL-ON/ROLL-OFF (RO/RO) PROCEDURES)RO/RO REGULATIONSFigure 1. Hopper Wing Strap Points.Figure 2. BMPM Ramp Loading/Unloading.UNLOADING BMPM FROM SHIPFigure 3. Hopper Wing Strap Points.AIR TRANSPORT PROCEDURESFigure 1. Hopper Wing Strap Points.Figure 2. BMPM Ramp Loading.UNLOADING BMPMFigure 3. BMPM Ramp Unloading.Figure 4. Hopper Wing Strap Points.CHAPTER 6. SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR BITUMINOUS MATERIAL PAVING MACHINE (BMPM)REFERENCESCOMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTSTable 1. COEI List.Table 1. COEI List -- Continued.Table 2. BII List.Table 2. BII List -- Continued.Table 2. BII List -- Continued.Table 2. BII List -- Continued.Table 2. BII List -- Continued.Table 2. BII List -- Continued.ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL)EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items List -- Continued.Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List -- Continued.